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Jazmin Gonzalez Biology 1615 Article assignment 3

In this scientific study the authors introduce you into the case by explaining hat the outcomes can be hen a patient is diagnosed ith tuberculosis !"B#$ hich is good% and hat the outcome is hen the patient is diagnosed ith "B along ith &I' and multi(drug resistant tuberculosis !)*+"B#$ hich is usually fatal for the patient, -art of the reason hy this study as done in -eru as the fact that -eru is one of the top eight countries ith the highest rating of )*+"B, A cohort study as executed in hich to study the conse.uences of )*+"B and &I' on "B infectiousness and death during "B therapy, /01 persons ga2e ritten consent to parta3e in the 11 month long study,

"he reason for this study is to highly define the effects of &I' and )*+"B on "B prognosis, "here ere a fe different methods hen performing this study$ for "B%

4iehl(5eelsen sputum microscopy as performed, -atients ho test positi2e for "B and &I' a sputum culture on modified 6ga a medium ith drug(susceptibility

testing ere done, Antibody testing as performed after counseling for 116 !178# patients hich as confirmed positi2e in 0 !58# occurrences, "ables ere used to sho clinical characteristics of the study population% ris3 factor analysis the difference bet een a sputum smear and a sputum

for mortality% and to sho

culture, All patients recei2ed standard treatment for tablet consumption% and also a finished trial of first(line "B treatment, )ost of the patients ere treated ith / months of isoniazid !&#% rifampicin !+#% pyrazinamide !4# and ethanbutol !9# for six days or a ee3, "hose patients ho here co(infected recei2ed

/&+496:1&+/, 1/ persons ere also gi2en second(line drugs for a short time, "he results sho ed that there as a 118 !;7 patients# mortality rating, "he results sho that out of the patients diagnosed ith )*+"B !108# they

accounted for 118 of the patients ho died, &I' < )*+"B resulted in a 558 mortality rating t o months after detection% and only 168 of the patients li2ed to finish their 7 months of treatment, In the discussion it as stated that% ="his study demonstrates the profound impact of &I' infection and multi(drug resistance on sur2i2al and infectiousness in tuberculosis patients,= "he study re2eals the importance of early and rapid drug(susceptibility testing$ the need for more impro2ed infection control measures as to reduce mortality rates among patients, "he study also signals the criticalness of early and fast drug(susceptibility testing as ell as more enhanced infection control actions and more timely anti(retro2iral therapy to reduce death and infection to ards others,

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