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D.NO:30-13-11, Parvathi Nilayam,Jupudivari Veedhi, Durga Agrahar,Near Kotha Va te a, Vi!aya"ada-#$000$, A dhra Prade%h, & dia.

'-(ail : go)ul.v!u%*$+,gmail.-om .o ta-t o: +91 /0/1+##1+#

Objective: 2o do my graduate %tudy i .omputer 3-ie -e ' gi eeri g at your u iver%ity, to improve my pote tial, %ee) e4-elle t opportu itie% a d e4pa d my ) o"ledge "ith the e4po%ure to glo5al tre d% a d developme t%. Academic Profile:

B.Tech (Computer Scie ce ! "i eeri "# .ollege 9 iver%ity :ear Per-e tage : DV6 7 D6 83 (&. .ollege o* 2e-h ology : JN29-Ka)i ada 9 iver%ity : $00+-$011 : $%.&%'

(i"her Seco dar) (1% + *# .ollege ;oard :ear Per-e tage Seco dar) (Cla,, -# 3-hool ;oard :ear Per-e tage Te,t Score,: <6': =ua titative: >/0 Ver5al: $00 A alyti-al ?riti g: $.# : 3reeva i Pu5li- 3-hool, Vi!aya"ada. : ;oard o* 3e-o dary 'du-atio , A dhra Prade%h. : $000 : $..+%' : : : : 3ri .haita ya Ju ior .ollege, Vi!aya"ada. ;oard o* & termediate 'du-atio , A dhra Prade%h $00#- $00+ 9+.1%'


2O'@A : R A ? 3 2otal 3-ore : : : : : 28 30 18 14 90

/i i project 0etail,: 3u5mitted a (i i-Pro!e-t o B Automatio of Stude t Cou ,eli " ,heet C "hi-h deal% "ith the e4i%ti g pro5lem% that are pre%e t i %tude t -ou %eli g %y%tem i a y edu-atio al i %titutio .Automati-ally -ou %eli g o* a %tude t "ill 5e per*ormed *or %tude t% *urther improveme t i a-ademi- a d per%o al -areer

Tech ical S1ill,: D Operati g 3y%tem% D Aa guage% D Data5a%e% D ?e5 2e-h ologie% Stre "th,: 3el* -o *ide -e a d %el* lear i g @le4i5le a d adapt Hui-)ly to e" "or)i g e viro me t% Pa%%io *or gai i g e4-elle -e i the *ield o* B.omputer 3-ie -e a d ' gi eeri gC : ?i do"%/1E$000E4p, 9N&F. : ., .GG, J$3'a d J$'' : Ora-le : 82(A, F(A, ?e5 De%ig i g.

Area, of i tere,t:

.omputer Net"or)% Operati g 3y%tem% ?e5 2e-h ologie%


Achieveme t,: 3u--e%%*ully -ompleted the A )it @adia certified !thical hac1er program a d %e-ured ++I Parti-ipated i Tech ophilia2 a "or)%hop -o du-ted at KA 9 iver%ity, Vi!aya"ada i $00/. Parti-ipated i Aa"ma1% a Natio al Aevel 2e-h i-al paper pre%e tatio -o te%t held at Dvr7Dr.8% (&. .ollege o* te-h ology i $010. Atte ded a "or)%hop o !thical (ac1i " ;y A )it @adia held at Dvr7Dr.8% (&. .ollege o* te-h ology i $010. Parti-ipated i AC/34CPC Amritapuri %ite A,ia 5e"io O li e Co te,t .o du-ted Amritapuri u iver,it) i a%%o-iatio "ith 4B/ a d 467OS8S o O-to5er $010 Parti-ipated i Aa"ma%9 a Natio al Aevel 2e-h i-al paper pre%e tatio -o te%t held at Dvr7Dr.8% (&. .ollege o* te-h ology i $00/.

Per,o al Profile: 6ame 7ather 6ame 0ate of Birth Se9 6atio alit) :a "ua"e, ; o< (obbie, : <o)ul (u aluri : Pra5ha)ara 6ao (u : Ja 1%t, 1//0 : (ale : & dia : 2elugu, ' gli%h, a d 8i di : Ai%te i g to mu%i-, Playi g .he%%, .ri-)et. aluri

0eclaratio : & here5y de-lare that the a5ove me tio ed i *ormatio i% -orre-t a d true to the 5e%t o* my ) o"ledge. Pla-e: Vi!aya"ada Date: J<o)ul (u aluriK


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