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Unit 1, IELTS Speaking test model, part 1: Recording script (CD 1, Track 4) After you have introduced yourself

and the Examiner has checked your ID, he or she will ask you questions on three topic areas. The first topic area will be about your studies, your work or where you live. E aminer: Lets talk about your home town. Where were you born? Candidate: I was born in a place called Rochester in the Medway towns in Kent. E aminer: Do you still li e in Rochester? Candidate: !o" I ha ent li ed in Rochester #or a lon$ time now" since I went to colle$e. I li e in London. E aminer: Do most people like li in$ in Rochester? Candidate: I $uess they do. I always wanted to li e in London" so% my #amily still li e there" but I $uess its a nice place. E aminer: Why? Candidate: Well" its $ot beauti#ul architecture and its the home o# Dickens and so theres &uite a lot o# historical interest there and you e $ot countryside nearby and its easily accessible #or London. E aminer: Do you think youll stay in London? Candidate: 'h" I dont know. I e been here #or &uite a while now and althou$h I lo e it" I cant ima$ine spendin$ my whole li#e here. The next two topics will be more eneral. E aminer: Id like to mo e on to talk about sport. Whats your #a ourite sport? Candidate: My #a ourite sport to watch is #ootball" but to participate in" its swimmin$. E aminer: When did you #irst become interested in swimmin$? Candidate: (osh" when I was a child" my dad used to take me swimmin$ e ery week and I swam #or my school. E aminer: )ow o#ten do you participate in swimmin$ now? Candidate: I try to swim at least two times a week. E aminer: What e&uipment do you need #or swimmin$?

Candidate: *he $reat thin$ is that you dont really need any e&uipment apart #rom $o$$les and trunks. E aminer: Where do you $o swimmin$? Candidate: +nywhere I am. I lo e swimmin$ in the sea but mainly I swim at my local pool. E aminer: !ow" lets mo e on to talk about shoppin$. )ow do you #eel about $oin$ shoppin$? Candidate: I dont mind $oin$ shoppin$. I like to know e,actly what Im $oin$ shoppin$ #or" thou$h" I like to $et in" buy it and $o home a$ain. E aminer: Do you like buyin$ clothes or $oods on the Internet? Candidate: I e ne er bou$ht clothes on the Internet because I like to try them on be#ore buyin$ them but I e certainly bou$ht electrical $oods and other thin$s on the Internet. E aminer: What dont you like about shoppin$? Candidate: I dont really like bi$ crowds o# people and #i$htin$ my way throu$h them to $et what I want. I $uess I dont like payin$ #or it all.

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