DMT Emerald Installs Suction Pile

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DMT Emerald Installs Suction Pile

Submitted by SeanHogue on August 25, 2009 03:55No Comment

HOUSTON: Dee !a"ine Te#$no%ogy&s 'D!T( 292)*oot '+9)m( ,esse% D!T -me"a%d $as insta%%ed a u" ose bui%t su#tion i%e, subsea mani*o%d and t"ee *o" -..on!obi% at t$e /o#0e*e%%e" *ie%d on -ast 1"ea0s 1%o#0 992 in t$e 2u%* o* !e.i#o3 T$e su#tion i%e, 4$i#$ is o,e" 35 *eet '5036 m( ta%% and 55 *eet '736 m( in diamete", 4as su##ess*u%%y o,e" boa"ded in *ou")*oot '532)m( to si.)*oot '53+)m( seas and insta%%ed in unde" 52 $ou"s3 T$e i%e 4as %anded at t$e desi"ed %o#ation in 5,000 *eet '5,527 m( o* 4ate", and #om %eted in 66 e"#ent o* t$e a%%otted time gi,en by t$e #%ient3 T$e D!T -me"a%d #"e4 additiona%%y insta%%ed a mani*o%d and set a t"ee3 T$e mani*o%d 4eig$ing o,e" 35 tons 4as su##ess*u%%y insta%%ed onto t$e su#tion i%e a$ead o* s#$edu%e and 4it$out any issues3 T$e 7+)ton, 55)*oot by 55)*oot by 20)*oot '736)m by 736)m by 635)m( t"ee 4as set ,ia 0ee% $au% t"ans*e""ed to t$e 500T mu%ti) u" ose to4e"3 8t 4as set in a"ound 50 $ou"s3 T$e D!T -me"a%d in#%udes t$e 500T mu%ti) u" ose to4e", a 500T 0nu#0%e boom C"ane, a 23)*oot by 29)*oot '9)m by +32)m( moon oo%, a##ommodations *o" 93, and t4o T"iton :;S 4o"0 #%ass "emote%y o e"ated ,e$i#%es3 sou"#e: 4443ene"gy#u""ent3#om T$e D!T -me"a%d is a 292*t dynamic positioning class 2 vessel 4$i#$ a%so #ontains a 500T 0nu#0%e boom #"ane, a##ommodations *o" 96, and t4o 550H , 50,000*t T"iton< :;S 4o"0 #%ass /O=s3 S$e is 4e%% suited to #a""y out subsea #onst"u#tion and *ie%d de,e%o ment 4o"0s, dee 4ate" inte",ention tas0s, *%ying %ead insta%%ation, and umbi%i#a% insta%%ation3

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