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Events Management I. Overview of Events Management a. Introduction to events management b. Getting involved in the events management system c.

Events management in the 21st century i. Issues and trends in events d. Event management team e. Categorization of special events f. Typology of events g. Types of events h. Similarities and differences of events i. Fields of specialization j. Employment in and around The Event Industry a. The event industry in the Philippines b. Characteristics of events c. Categories of events d. Classification of events e. Event team partners f. Event industry market g. The meaning and importance of MICE industries i. Key players ii. Meeting planners iii. Meeting technology The Event Manager a. Roles of an event manager b. Organizing the event team c. Managing the event team d. Event planning checklist Analysis of Clients and Competitors a. The key players in events management b. Knowing the event industry and competitors c. Reviewing ethical concerns and issues d. Understanding client requirements e. SMARTER: the event objectives f. SWOT analysis




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