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ASP.NET - Using Visual Basic.NET, ADO.

NET, and XML

Course Outlines

ASP.NET - Using Visual Basic.NET, ADO.NET, and XML

In this course, you will create ASP.NET Web pages that dynamically display content, display, manipulate, and modify data in a relational database, and display, manipulate, and modify !" data. Lesson 1: Writing Basic ASP.NET Pages
Write a Simple ASP.NET Web Page #utput $ontent and %edirect to a &ifferent Page Pass 'ser Information (etween Pages Store and %etrie)e &ata 'sing a $oo*ie Perform (rowser &etection Transfer Processing

Days of Training: 5 Lesson ,: Accessing Data(ases wit+ ADO.NET

&isplay &ata from a &atabase &isplay &ata +rom a &atabase 'sing Web $ontrols $ustomi0e &atabound %esults 'sing Style Sections $ustomi0e &atabound %esults using Templates !odify &ata with S1" $ommands

,T!" 3.456 Web Authoring - "e)el 5 #b2ect-#riented Programming Principles ,T!" 3.456 Web Authoring - "e)el 7

Lesson 2: ncreasing !o"e Se#aration an" $o"%&arity

Separate $ode +rom $ontent with ,T!" $ontrols Implement a Postbac* +orm Increase $ode Separation with a $ode-(ehind +ile Increase !odularity with a 'ser $ontrol

Lesson 5: $ani#%&ating Data wit+ ADO.NET DataSets

$reate a &ataSet with !ultiple Tables &isplay &ata from %elated Tables !anipulate &ata in a &ata.rid $ontrol !odify &ataSet %ecords and !erge

Lesson ': !reating We( )or*s wit+ We( !ontro&s

$reate a Web +orm 'sing ASP.NET Web $ontrols $reate .rouped Elements with "ist $ontrols &isplay &ata with a %epeater $ontrol &isplay &ata with a &ata"ist $ontrol &isplay &ata with a &ata.rid $ontrol /erify 'ser Input with /alidation $ontrols %otate (anner Ads with the Ad %otator $ontrol $reate a $alendar using a $alendar $ontrol

Lesson -: Progra**ing .$L Doc%*ents wit+ ASP.NET

Access and &isplay an !" &ocument /alidate an !" &ocument 'sing a Schema Search an !" &ocument for Specific Information Edit an !" &ocument Write !" &ocuments to &is*

Lesson /: !onverting an" Transfor*ing .$L Data wit+ ASP.NET

Write &ata +rom a &ataSet to an !" &ocument $reate Nested !" from a &ataSet #b2ect %ead &ata into a &ataSet from an !" &ocument Transform an !" &ocument #utput S"T %esults 'sing the !" $ontrol

Lesson 0: Arc+itecting an" !onfig%ring an ASP.NET A##&ication

$onfigure an ASP.NET Application $onfigure ASP.NET Error Tracing !anage Application State Preser)e Session State $ache Page #utput $ache a 'ser $ontrol

New 2ori3ons n"ia Li*ite"

N 545, Nort h (loc* Ist +loor manipal $entre, &ic *enson %oad , (angalore


$arina 4yot+sna 25555'0160,

ASP.NET - Using Visual Basic.NET, ADO.NET, and XML

Course Outlines

ASP.NET - Using Visual C#.NET, ADO.NET, and XML

In this course, students create ASP.NET Web pages that dynamically display content, display, manipulate, and modify data in a relational database, and display, manipulate, and modify !" data. Lesson 1: Writing Basic ASP.NET Pages
Write a Simple ASP.NET Web Page #utput $ontent and %edirect to a &ifferent Page Pass 'ser Information (etween Pages Store and %etrie)e &ata 'sing a $oo*ie Perform (rowser &etection Transfer Processing

Days of Training: 5 Lesson ,: Accessing Data(ases wit+ ADO.NET

&isplay &ata from a &atabase &isplay &ata +rom a &atabase 'sing Web $ontrols $ustomi0e &atabound %esults 'sing Style Sections $ustomi0e &atabound %esults using Templates !odify &ata with S1" $ommands

#b2ect-#riented Programming Principles ,T!" 3.456 Web Authoring :Second Edition; - "e)el 5 ,T!" 3.456 Web Authoring :Second Edition; - "e)el 7 .NET +ramewor* - Introduction

Lesson 2: ncreasing !o"e Se#aration an" $o"%&arity

Separate $ode +rom $ontent with ,T!" $ontrols Implement a Postbac* +orm Increase $ode Separation with a $ode-(ehind +ile Increase !odularity with a 'ser $ontrol

Lesson 5: $ani#%&ating Data wit+ ADO.NET DataSets

$reate a &ataSet with !ultiple Tables &isplay &ata from %elated Tables !anipulate &ata in a &ata.rid $ontrol !odify &ataSet %ecords and !erge

Lesson ': !reating We( )or*s wit+ We( !ontro&s

$reate a Web +orm 'sing ASP.NET Web $ontrols $reate .rouped Elements with "ist $ontrols &isplay &ata with a %epeater $ontrol &isplay &ata with a &ata"ist $ontrol &isplay &ata with a &ata.rid $ontrol /erify 'ser Input with /alidation $ontrols %otate (anner Ads with the Ad %otator $ontrol $reate a $alendar using a $alendar $ontrol

Lesson -: Progra**ing .$L Doc%*ents wit+ ASP.NET

Access and &isplay an !" &ocument /alidate an !" &ocument 'sing a Schema Search an !" &ocument for Specific Information Edit an !" &ocument Write !" &ocuments to &is*

Lesson /: !onverting an" Transfor*ing .$L Data wit+ ASP.NET

Write &ata +rom a &ataSet to an !" &ocument $reate Nested !" from a &ataSet #b2ect %ead &ata into a &ataSet from an !" &ocument Transform an !" &ocument #utput S"T %esults 'sing the !" $ontrol

Lesson 0: Arc+itecting an" !onfig%ring an ASP.NET A##&ication

$onfigure an ASP.NET Application $onfigure ASP.NET Error Tracing !anage Application State Preser)e Session State $ache Page #utput $ache a 'ser $ontrol

New 2ori3ons n"ia Li*ite"

N 545, Nort h (loc* Ist +loor manipal $entre, &ic *enson %oad , (angalore


$arina 4yot+sna 25555'0160,

ASP.NET - Using Visual Basic.NET, ADO.NET, and XML

Course Outlines

Visual Basic .NET - Int !ducti!n

In this course, you learn the /isual (asic .NET language from the ground up and use /isual Studio .NET to assist you in your learning as well as in the creation of end-user applications. Lesson 1: !reating a 7ser nterface in a Win"ows )or*s A##&ication
&etermine +orm Properties &etermine +orm $ontrols &etermine $ontrol Properties !anipulate .rouped $ontrols Write E)ent Procedures

Days of Training: 5 Lesson ,: Wor8ing wit+ !&asses

$reate a $lass $reate a Property Procedure $reate a !ethod $reate and ,andle a $ustom E)ent Set an #b2ect?s Initial /alues 'sing a $onstructor Implement #)erloading Write Sharable $ode $reate a $lass 'sing Inheritance Pro)ide Polymorphism Through Inheritance

/isual Studio.NET - Introduction

Lesson 2: Wor8ing Wit+ Data an" 9aria(&es

&eclare /ariables and $onstants &etermine and Set Scope Perform !athematical $alculations $reate an Array $reate a Structure to Implement a $ustom &ata Type $reate a $ollection $reate an Enumeration

Lesson 5: En+ancing 7ser nterface )%nctiona&ity

Add a !enu to a Windows +orm Add &ialog (o> $ontrols Add a Toolbar Add a Status (ar $reate a +orm 'sing /isual Inheritance $reate a 'ser $ontrol %etrie)e &ata from an E>ternal &ata Source !anipulate &ata in a Windows +orms Application $reate an Application $onfiguration +ile

Lesson ': !ontro&&ing Progra* )&ow

Implement a Standard !odule !anipulate +orms $reate +unctions $reate Sub Procedures Write &ecision Structures Write "oop Statements &ebug "ogic Errors /alidate &ata Implement Structured E>ception ,andling

Lesson -: De#&oying :o%r A##&ication

$reate a &eployment Pro2ect /iew !etadata $reate and &eploy a Shared Assembly

Lesson /: !reating We( A##&ications

$reate a Web +orms Application $reate a Web Ser)ice Application $onsume a Web Ser)ice Application

New 2ori3ons n"ia Li*ite"

N 545, Nort h (loc* Ist +loor manipal $entre, &ic *enson %oad , (angalore


$arina 4yot+sna 25555'0160,

ASP.NET - Using Visual Basic.NET, ADO.NET, and XML

Course Outlines

Visual C#.NET P !g a""ing - Int !ducti!n #! D$%$l!&$ s

This course is for programmers e>perienced in ob2ect-oriented or ob2ect-based programming. The course introduces .NET programming, using the $@ programming language and the /isual $@.NET integrated de)elopment en)ironment inside /isual Studio.NET. Lesson 1: !reating Si*#&e !; Progra*s
$reate a Simple $@ $onsole Application 'se a Namespace $omment $ode $reate a Simple $lass "ibrary Test a Simple $lass "ibrary $reate a Simple $@ Windows .'I Application

Days of Training: 5
'se Pre-defined &ata Types &ifferentiate (etween %eference and /alue Types 'se $asting &efine and 'se a Struct Type &efine and 'se an Enum Type

Lesson -: 7sing Ty#es in !;

Lesson 2: Wor8ing wit+ !&asses

&efine and 'se a $lass 'se Access !odifiers &efine Namespaces &eclare an Abstract $lass &eri)e a $oncrete $lass from an Abstract $lass 'se an Abstract $lass and its $oncrete &eri)ed $lass

Lesson /: Progra**ing wit+ E<ce#tions

$atch E>ceptions &efine $ustom E>ceptions Throw E>ceptions 'tili0e the finally Beyword

#b2ect-#riented Programming Principles /isual Studio.NET - Introduction

Lesson 0: Wor8ing wit+ nterfaces

&efine an Interface Implement Interfaces in &eri)ed $lasses In)o*e Interface !ethods

Lesson ': Wor8ing wit+ $et+o"s

Implement $onstructors Implement a &estructor #)erride a !ethod #)erload a !ethod #)erload an #perator Pass Parameters

Lesson 5: Wor8ing wit+ Arrays an" !o&&ections

&efine a %ectangular or ,igher&imensional Array 'se a %ectangular Array &efine a Aagged Array 'se a Aagged Array $hoose andCor $reate a $ollection Type 'se A $ollection Type

Lesson ,: Progra**ing wit+ )or*s an" !ontro&s

$reate a .raphical Program 'sing Standard (uilt-in $ontrols $reate a $ustom $ontrol 'se $ustom $ontrols on a +orm

Lesson 1=: Wor8ing wit+ Pro#erties an" n"e<ers

E>pose Properties E>pose Inde>ers

Lesson 5: Writing State*ents t+at !ontro& Progra* )&ow

Write $onditional Statements Write "oop Statements Write Aump Statements

Lesson 11: B%i&"ing an" De#&oying Asse*(&ies

$reate an Assembly with the $@ $ommand "ine $ompiler 'se Ildasm &eploy an Assembly "ocally $reate and &eploy a Shared Assembly

Lesson 12: ntero#erating wit+ Legacy !o"e

Write $ode that Interoperates with Win87 E>pose "egacy $#! $omponents to $@ $lients E>pose $@ $omponents to "egacy $#! $lients

New 2ori3ons n"ia Li*ite"

N 545, Nort h (loc* Ist +loor manipal $entre, &ic *enson %oad , (angalore


$arina 4yot+sna 25555'0160,

ASP.NET - Using Visual Basic.NET, ADO.NET, and XML

Course Outlines

Visual Studi!.NET - Int !ducti!n

This course is the recommended course following .NET +ramewor*6 Introduction and e>pands upon the basic concepts you learned about the /isual Studio.NET tool. Lesson 1: !reating a Win"ows )or*s Pro>ect
Set up the Wor* En)ironment Set up a Windows +orms Pro2ect Arrange the Tool Windows Set .eneral Preferences Add $ontrols Set +orm and $ontrol Properties Add $ode 'sing the $ode Editor %esol)e Errors

Days of Training: 1 Lesson 2: nteracting Wit+ a Data(ase in a Win"ows )or*s Pro>ect

$onfigure a &ata Adapter 'sing the &ata Adapter $onfiguration Wi0ard .enerate a &ataset &isplay &ata from a &atabase in a Windows +orms Pro2ect !anipulate &ata in a Windows +orms Pro2ect 'sing a &ata.rid Add a Windows +orm Page to a Windows +orms Pro2ect $reate and &isplay a &ata %eport 'sing the Standard %eport E>pert &eploy a Windows +orms Pro2ect

.NET +ramewor* - Introduction

Lesson ': !reating a We( )or*s Pro>ect

Set up a Web +orms Pro2ect Add +orm $ontrols to a Web +orms Pro2ect 'se $ode (ehind in a Web +orm &isplay &ata from a &atabase in a Web Page 'sing a &ata.rid Edit an E>isting !" Page 'sing the !" Editor

Lesson ,: !reating a We( Services Pro>ect

&e)elop a Web Ser)ices Pro2ect Access a Web Ser)ice from a Web +orms Pro2ect &elete, E>clude, or %emo)e Solution, Pro2ect, or +older Items

New 2ori3ons n"ia Li*ite"

N 545, Nort h (loc* Ist +loor manipal $entre, &ic *enson %oad , (angalore


$arina 4yot+sna 25555'0160,

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