Match The Word With The Appropriate Meaning Correctly in Pairs!

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Task I (Pair Work) Match the word with the appropriate meaning correctly in pairs!

a. Shoulder b. Chest c. Wrist d. Tongue e. f. g. i. j. Beard Moustache Hip Back Toe

Lidah Jari kaki ada !unggung Bahu Janggut !ergelangan tangan !inggul !ergelangan kaki "u#is

h. Ankle

Task II (Pair Work) Fill the blanks with the appropriate words in the box correctly! Wavy slim bald air mo!stache ch!bby

$. The #an is %%%%%%%%%%%. He doesn&t ha'e #uch hair. (. Al#ost all girls )ant to ha'e %%%%%%%%%%%% bod*. +. M* father gro)s a %%%%%%%%%%%% abo'e his upper lip. He is 'er* proud of it. ,. M* little brother is cute and %%%%%%%%%%%%. -'er*one )ants to touch hi#. a. The actress has %%%%%%%%%%%%% co#ple.ion and %%%%%%%%%%% hair

Task III (Individ!al Task)

Task III (Individ!al Task)

"ombine the completed sentence in Task III into a paragraph# $o! can complete the ollowing sentence

"ombine the completed sentence in Task III into a paragraph# $o! can complete the ollowing sentence

Wavy (ald Mo!stache 'hort %and

Tooth Fair

%air "heek "h!bby

&yebrow )ose Forehead *nkle (ack

'lim &ar Tall Foot +val

Thin Finger

Fat 'ho!lder

Wavy (ald Mo!stache 'hort %and

Tooth Fair

%air "heek "h!bby

&yebrow )ose Forehead *nkle (ack

'lim &ar Tall Foot +val

Thin Finger

Fat 'ho!lder

Wavy (ald Mo!stache 'hort %and

Tooth Fair

%air "heek "h!bby

&yebrow )ose Forehead *nkle (ack

'lim &ar Tall Foot +val

Thin Finger

Fat 'ho!lder

Wavy (ald Mo!stache 'hort %and

Tooth Fair

%air "heek "h!bby

&yebrow )ose Forehead *nkle (ack

'lim &ar Tall Foot +val

Thin Finger

Fat 'ho!lder

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