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1. How is EISA bus different from ISA bus? 2. Differentiate between sync ronous and async ronous ty!es of seria" communication. #. $ at is a %&I bus? Discuss its features and usa'e. (. $ at is se'mentation? $ at are its ad)anta'es? How is se'mentation im!"emented in ty!ica" micro!rocessors? *. $ at is a co+!rocessor? $ at is its use in a ty!ica" micro!rocessor based system. ,. Discuss t e )arious ty!es of memory de)ices t at you are fami"iar wit . -. Differentiate between rea" and !rotected modes of an Inte" micro!rocessor. .. Discuss t e fo""owin'/ 0i1 Some features of %entium series of micro!rocessors. 0ii1 2irtua" memory. 0iii1 MM3 Tec no"o'y. 0i)1 Gra! ics ada!ters. 4. $rite e5!"anatory notes on/ 0i1 %a'in' 0ii1 Assemb"er Directi)es 0iii1 Hard dis6 dri)e contro""er 17. E5!"ain t e functions of t e fo""owin'/ 0i1 Debu''er 0ii1 Assemb"er 0ii1 8in6er 11. Discuss t e fo""owin' terms/ 0Any si51 0i1 9ranc !rediction "o'ic in %entium 0ii1 &ac e structure in %entium 0iii1 T readed system 0i)1 Su!er sca"ar arc itecture 0)1 :ea" time o!eratin' system 0)i1 D;A con)ersion 12. E5!"ain ow memory mana'ement is im!ro)ed in %entium !rocessors?

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