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Master of BusinessAdministration in Healthcare Services Management- Semester 3 MH0052 Hospital Organi ation! Operations and "lanning - # $redits %Boo& '()B*2*3+ Assignment%,0 mar&s+
Note: Answer all questions. Kindly note that answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words. Ea h question is followed by e!aluation s heme. "1. #es ribe the on ept of E onomi $rder "uantity.
*0 mar&s

(Definition-1 mark, Formula -1 mark, Factors influencing order quantities-4 marks, Advantages & Disadvantages-4) "%. $me&a 'ealth are is plannin& to open a hospital in North (an&alore re&ion. )or this purpose they ha!e brou&ht to&ether a team of experts. *0 mar&s A. *ho are the team of experts who onstitute the hospital plannin&+ (. *hat are the prin iples of hospital plannin&+ (Listing the team of e !erts-" marks, #ole of e !erts in hos!ital !lanning-$ marks, % !lanation of &rinci!les- ' marks) ",. -ist the !arious ommittees in a hospital settin& and dis uss .edi al re ords ommittee and /nfe tion ontrol ommittee in detail. *0 mar&s (Listing -" marks, (edical record committee-4 marks, )nfection control committee- 4 marks) "4. #is uss the poli ies and pro edures followed in enquiry and re&istration ounter of a hospital.
*0 mar&s

(*rief outline of enquir+ and registration counter -" marks, &olicies-4 marks, &rocedures-4 marks) "0. #efine ward plannin&. #is uss the !arious patterns of ward desi&n.
*0 mar&s

(Definition -1 mark, Listing the various !atterns of ,ard design -" marks, % !lanation- - marks) "1. /ma&ine that you are appointed as a before exe utin& the task+ ()m!ortance of neonatal )./ in a hos!ital -" marks, &lanning considerations -0 marks) onsultant for settin& up a neo2natal intensi!e are unit in a
*0 mar&s

tertiary are tea hin& hospital. *hat are the plannin& onsiderations you ha!e to keep in your mind

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