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Laborator Modulul 3: Configuring Basic TCP/IPv4 Settings

Exercise : Configuring a !"na#ic IP $ddress

Tas% : Start t&e virtual #ac&ines' and t&en log on
1. On your host machine, click Start, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft Learning, and then click 6420A. The Lab Launcher starts. 2. In the Lab Launcher, next to 6420 !"#$!%$1, click Launch. &. In the Lab Launcher, next to 6420 !"#$!'(), click Launch. 4. In the Lab Launcher, next to 6420 !"#$!$L1, click Launch. *. Lo+ on to "#$!%$1 as Administrator ,ith the pass,ord Pa$$w0rd. 6. Lo+ on to "#$!'() as Administrator ,ith the pass,ord Pa$$w0rd. -. Lo+ on to "#$!$L1 as Administrator ,ith the pass,ord Pa$$w0rd. .. /inimi0e the Lab Launcher ,indo,.

Tas% (: )erif" !*CP configuration

1. On "#$!%$1, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click D !P" 2. (xpand n#c$dc%"woodgrove&an'"com, expand (Pv4, and then click Sco)e *%0"%0"0"0+ ead,ffice. ead,ffice and click Pro)erties. "otice the &. 1i+ht!click Sco)e *%0"%0"0"0+ 2tart I3 address and (nd I3 address. 4. $lick !ancel. *. In the le4t pane, click Address Pool. "otice the 2tart I3 address and (nd I3 address are those con4i+ured in the scope properties. 6. In the le4t pane, click Sco)e ,)tions. "otice that the 5alues 4or 1outer 6de4ault +ate,ay7, %"2 2er5ers, and %"2 %omain "ame are con4i+ured here. -. $lose the %8$3 ,indo,.

Tas% 3: Configure a !"na#ic IP $ddress

1. On "#$!$L1, click Start and click !ontrol Panel. 2. $lick -etwor' and (nternet and click -etwor' and Sharing !enter. &. To the ri+ht o4 Local rea $onnection, click .iew status. 4. In the Local Area !onnection Status dialo+ box, click Pro)erties. *. In the Local Area !onnection Pro)erties dialo+ box, click (nternet Protocol .ersion 4 /T!P0(Pv41, and then click the Pro)erties button. 6. $lick ,&tain an (P address automaticall#, click ,&tain D-S server address automaticall#, and then click ,2"

-. In the Local Areas !onnection Pro)erties and the Local Area !onnection Status dialo+ boxes, click !lose. .. $lose "et,ork and 2harin+ $enter.

Tas% 4: )erif" Connectivit"

1. On "#$!$L1, click Start, type cmd, and press ("T(1. 2. t the command prompt, type i)config 0all, and press ("T(1. This command displays all I3 con4i+uration in4ormation. "otice that the 5alue 4or %8$3 (nabled is #es. lso notice that the %8$3 ser5er address is &. t the command prompt, type )ing %0"%0"0"%0, and press ("T(1. This command is success4ul and you are able to communicate ,ith the ser5er. 4. $lose the command prompt. *. $lick Start, type 99"#$!%$1, and press ("T(1. "otice that you are able to bro,se shares on "#$!%$1. 6. $lose the "#$!%$1 ,indo,.

Exercise (: Configuring a Static IP $ddress

Tas% : Configure a static IP address
1. On "#$!$L1, click Start, and then click !ontrol Panel. 2. $lick -etwor' and (nternet, and then click -etwor' and Sharing !enter. &. To the ri+ht o4 Local rea $onnection, click .iew status. 4. In the Local Area !onnection Status dialo+ box, click Pro)erties. *. In the Local Area !onnection Pro)erties dialo+ box, click (nternet Protocol .ersion 4 /T!P0(Pv41, and then click the Pro)erties button. 6. $lick 3se the following (P address and enter the 4ollo,in+: I3 address: %0"%0"0"40 2ubnet mask: 244"244"0"0 %e4ault +ate,ay: %0"%0"0"% -. "otice that 3se the following D-S server addresses is automatically selected ,hen a static I3 address is con4i+ured. In the pre4erred %"2 ser5er box, type %0"%0"0"%0, and then click ,2. .. In the Local Areas !onnection Pro)erties and the Local Area !onnection Status dialo+ boxes, click !lose. ;. $lose "et,ork and 2harin+ $enter.

Tas% (: )erif" Connectivit"

1. On "#$!$L1, click Start, type cmd, and then press ("T(1. 2. t the command prompt, type i)config 0all, and then press ("T(1. This command displays all I3 con4i+uration in4ormation. "otice that the 5alue 4or %8$3 (nabled is "o. lso notice that the %8$3 ser5er address is not present. &. t the command prompt, type )ing %0"%0"0"%0, and then press ("T(1. This command is success4ul and you are able to communicate ,ith the ser5er. 4. $lose the command prompt. *. $lick Start, type 55-6!$D!%, and then press ("T(1. "otice that you are able to bro,se shares on "#$!%$1. 6. $lose the "#$!%$1 ,indo,.

Exercise 3: Testing !+S Configuration

Tas% : Test !+S resolution
1. On "#$!$L1, click Start, type cmd, and press ("T(1. 2. t the command prompt, type )ing finance"woodgrove&an'"com and press ("T(1. This command is unsuccess4ul because the host could not be 4ound. &. t the command prompt, type )ing %0"%0"0"2% and press ("T(1. This command is success4ul. 4. $lose the command prompt.

Tas% (: )ie, and configure !+S records

1. On "#$!%$1, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click D-S. 2. (xpand -6!$D!%, expand 7orward Loo'u) 8ones, and then click 9oodgrove:an'"com. "otice that the host record 4or 4inance is not created. &. In the le4t pane, ri+ht!click 9oodgrove:an'"com, and then click -ew or AAAA1. 4. In the -ame box, type finance. *. In the (P address box, type %0"%0"0"2%. 6. $lick Add Done. -. $lose the %"2 /ana+er ,indo,. ost, click ,2 to clear the messa+e dialo+ box, and then click ost /A

Tas% 3: )erif" !+S -esolution

1. On "#$!$L1, click Start, type cmd, and then press ("T(1. 2. t the command prompt, type )ing finance"woodgrove&an'"com and then press ("T(1. This command is still unsuccess4ul due to cached %"2 results. &. t the command prompt, type i)config 0flushdns, and then press ("T(1. 4. t the command prompt, type )ing finance"woodgrove&an'"com, and press ("T(1. This command is success4ul. *. t the command prompt, type nsloo'u) finance"woodgrove&an'"com, and then press ("T(1. #ou ,ill see an error indicatin+ that the %"2 re<uest timed out tryin+ to do a re5erse lookup 4or the %"2 ser5er host name and then the resolution o4 4inance., 6. $lose the command prompt.

Exercise 4: Connecting to a .eb/based $00lication

Tas% : )erif" t&e .eb site configuration
1. On "#$!'(), click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click (nternet (nformation Service /((S1 Manager. 2. In the le4t pane, expand -6!$9;:, expand Sites, and then click Default 9e& Site. &. In the Actions pane, click :indings. "otice that the 'eb site is usin+ port .0.0. 4. $lick !lose, and close Internet In4ormation 2er5ices 6II27 /ana+er. *. $lick Start, type cmd, and then press ("T(1. 6. t the command prompt, type netstat <a= and then press ("T(1. "otice that port .0.0 is listenin+ 4or connections. -. $lose the command prompt.

Tas% (: Test t&e .eb/based $00lication

1. On "#$!$L1, click Start, and then click (nternet. 2. In the Address bar, type htt)>00finance"woodgrove&an'"com, and then press ("T(1. n error is displayed because Internet (xplorer attempts to contact a 'eb site on port .0 by de4ault. &. In the ddress bar, type htt)>00finance"woodgrove&an'"com>?0?0, and then press ("T(1. ccessin+ the site is success4ul because the correct port number has been used. 4. $lose Internet (xplorer.

Tas% 3: Close all virtual #ac&ines and discard undo dis%s

1. =or each 5irtual machine that is runnin+, close the >irtual /achine 1emote $ontrol ,indo,. 2. In the !lose box, select Turn off machine and discard changes, and then click ,2. &. $lose the 6420 Lab Launcher.

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