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Grade 5 Bibliography for Unit Exhibition 2014 by Ms.

Michelle Books
U!"#$ Andersen, Neil baylor, byrd Nilsen, Anna Palser, +arb 0all, 1od'rey !%!&E Music Madness: Questioning Music and Music Videos when clay sings Art #raud $etecti%es: &pot the $i'erence, &ol%e the Cri(e) &elling -ursel%es: Mar,eting +ody .(ages 2raditions Around the 3orld '(blisher Capstone Press charles scribner s sons &i(on * &chuster +oo,s Co(pass Point +oo,s 2ho(son 4earning )E $ 2007 !"72 2000 20!/ !""5

!%!&E 0istory o' 2attooing Art Access .ndian Art o' the A(ericas 1oogle U$& https:66en7wi,ipedia7org6wi,i60istory8o'8tattooin g http:66school7nettre,,er7co(6 http:66history:n;7org6(aori/7ht(l +ate ccessed ! April 20!9 2 April 20!9 9 April 20!9

%,age of A'rican 2attoo &y(bols Airport Art &tory Quilt U$& http:66thesharebears7co(62attooswhat:are: so(e:cultural:tattoos6a'rican:tattoo: sy(bols7png i(ages7google7co( http:66www7getty7edu6 +ate ccessed 9 April 20!9 2 April 20!9 ! April 20!9

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