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Lovepoem No.

in the shadow of my eye cosy warmth floats through the room i can see there you lie. a candle lightens up the gloom. scent of cinnamon, strong and pure patchouli, opium and vanilla, too. this air is for me like a cure highest feelings when i see you. your eyes as deep as ocean is your silky skin touch'd y my hands may our love be seal'd by a kiss. follow me into the forsaken lands. no doubt, nor fear, nor haste i protect you from the cold can we survive the time's quest and use our love as a stronghold. against the lack of knowledge we fight a wild struggle four our peace we try. in grim moments i'll hold you tight and catch your tears if you have to cry. an now, after i've shown my soul will you still stand by me as i do? maybe you think that i am foul. please tell me that your love is true

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