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Coal has been used as an energy resource, mostly in the production of electricity, heat, and is also used for

industrial purposes, such as refining metals. With that said, we can start by saying that Coal is important for the development of energy. Vattenfall, is a company that mainly operates in the

industry of sustainability with their vision as follow: Vision: Our vision is to develop a sustainable, diversified European energy portfolio with longterm increased profits and significant growth opportunities. Vattenfall will be among the leaders in developing environmentally sustainable energy production. Although, I disagree that the people of Atterwasch, Germany should be removed, the energy sources are critical to the development of modern industry because, it provides access to sustainable modern energy services, that contributes to poverty extinction, saves lives, improves health and helps provide for basic human needs. Moreover, it may sound contradicting that I do not wish the people to be relocated, yet the advantage is that coal increases the opportunity for a better sustainable country. On regards to the climate change, it is certainly a dilemma, as it is specified in the article the
problem is that there are days when the wind does not blow and clouds fill the sky. For example cleaner burning equipment that emits low pollution or a recycling system that collects exhaust fumes should be implemented as part of sustainability. With eight nuclear reactors shut since 2011 and the push for renewable energy still in its beginning, the country needs to bridge the power gaps, utilizing all the renewable resources available wind, thermal and solar. In conclusion sustainability should go hand on hand with government and the industry to find the more accessible but safe solution to the power needs that every country needs in order to grow its GDP, without compromising the way of living of its citizens.

Work cited:
"Mission, Vision and Strategy." Vattenfall. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2014.

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