When You Meet A Saint

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When you meet a Saint, talk to him and listen.

imlY AsMqu msit kir rhIAY ]1] (870-2, goNf, kbIr jI)
Meeting with an unsaintly person, just remain silent. ||1||
bwbw bolnw ikAw khIAY ] (870-2, goNf, kbIr jI)
O father, if I speak, what words should I utter?
jYsy rwm nwm riv rhIAY ]1] rhwa ] (870-3, goNf, kbIr jI)
Speak such words, by which you may remain absorbed in the Name of the
Lord. ||1||Pause||
sMqn isa boly apkwrI ] (870-3, goNf, kbIr jI)
Speaking with the Saints, one becomes generous.
mUrK isa boly JK mwrI ]2] (870-3, goNf, kbIr jI)
To speak with a fool is to babble uselessly. ||2||
bolq bolq bFih ibkwrw ] (870-4, goNf, kbIr jI)
By speaking and only speaking, corruption only increases.
ibnu boly ikAw krih bIcwrw ]3] (870-4, goNf, kbIr jI)
If I do not speak, what can the poor wretch do? ||3||
khu kbIr CUCw Gtu bolY ] (870-4, goNf, kbIr jI)
Says Kabeer, the empty pitcher makes noise,
BirAw hoie su kbhu n folY ]4]1] (870-5, goNf, kbIr jI)
but that which is full makes no sound. ||4||1||
goNf ] (870-5)
n} mrY n{ kwim n AwvY ] (870-5, goNf, kbIr jI)
When a man dies, he is of no use to anyone.
psU mrY ds kwj svwrY ]1] (870-5, goNf, kbIr jI)
But when an animal dies, it is used in ten ways. ||1||
Apny krm kI giq mY ikAw jwna ] (870-6, goNf, kbIr jI)
What do I know, about the state of my karma?
mY ikAw jwna bwbw ry ]1] rhwa ] (870-6, goNf, kbIr jI)
What do I know, O Baba? ||1||Pause||
hwf jly jYsy lkrI kw qUlw ] (870-6, goNf, kbIr jI)
His bones burn, like a bundle of logs;
kys jly jYsy Gws kw pUlw ]2] (870-7, goNf, kbIr jI)
his hair burns like a bale of hay. ||2||
khu kbIr qb hI n{ jwgY ] (870-7, goNf, kbIr jI)
Says Kabeer, the man wakes up,

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