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The Kirtan of the Lord's Praise is a priceless diamond. Awnd guxI ghIrw ] ( !"#$!

% rwm&lI% mhlw '( It is the ocean of )liss and *irtue. Anhd )wxI p+,-I ] ( !"#$!% rwm&lI% mhlw '( In the .ord of the /uru's 0ani is the wealth of the unstruc& sound current. s,1n hi2 rwKI &+,-I ]3] ( !"#$!% rwm&lI% mhlw '( The 4aints hold the &e5 to it in their hands. 66366

pnw !7 sun smwi8 guPw 1h Awsnu ] ( !7#$% rwm&lI% mhlw '(

The5 sit there% in the ca*e of deep 4amaadhi9 &5*l ):hm p+rn 1h )wsnu ] ( !7#$% rwm&lI% mhlw '( the uni1ue% perfect Lord /od dwells there. 0g1 s,ig p:0u gosit &r1 ] ( !7#$% rwm&lI% mhlw '( /od holds con*ersations with ;is de*otees. 1h hrK n sog n -nm n mr1 ]"] ( !7#3% rwm&lI% mhlw '( There is no pleasure or pain% no )irth or death there. 66"66 &ir i&rpw i-su Awip id*wieAw ] ( !7#3% rwm&lI% mhlw '( <ne whom the Lord ;imself )lesses with ;is ,erc5% sw8s,ig i1in hir 8nu pwieAw ] ( !7#3% rwm&lI% mhlw '( o)tains the Lord's wealth in the 4aadh 4angat% the =ompan5 of the ;ol5. dieAwl purK nwn& Ardwis ] ( !7#"% rwm&lI% mhlw '( >ana& pra5s to the merciful Primal Lord9 hir m5rI *r1ix hir m5rI rwis ]7]37]"'] ( !7#"% rwm&lI% mhlw '( the Lord is m5 merchandise% and the Lord is m5 capital. 667663766"'66 rwm&lI mhlw ' ] ( !7#7( :aam&alee% ?ifth ,ehl@ mihmw n -wnih )5d ] ( !7#7% rwm&lI% mhlw '( The Aedas do not &now ;is greatness. ):hm5 nhI -wnih 05d ] ( !7#7% rwm&lI% mhlw '( 0rahma does not &now ;is m5ster5. A*1wr n -wnih A,1u ] ( !7#7% rwm&lI% mhlw '( Incarnated )eings do not &now ;is limit. prm5sB pwr):hm )5A,1u ]$] ( !7#'% rwm&lI% mhlw '( The Transcendent Lord% the 4upreme Lord /od% is infinite. 66$66

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