Mercy of Lordd

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My merciful Lord and Master is infinite. ||4||26||37|| rwmklI mhlw 5 ] !

"4#$6% rwmklI% mhlw 5& 'aamkalee% (ifth Mehl) rw*nhwr die+wl ] !"4#$6% rwmklI% mhlw 5& ,he -a.ior Lord is merciful. koit /. *Mfy inm* i*+wl ] !"4#$6% rwmklI% mhlw 5& Millions of incarnations are eradicated in an instant% contem0latin1 the Lord. s1l +rw2ih 3M4 ] !"4#$7% rwmklI% mhlw 5& +ll 5ein1s worshi0 and adore 6im. imlI+7 0'/ 1ur imil mM4 ]$] !"4#$7% rwmklI% mhlw 5& 'ecei.in1 the 8uru9s Mantra% one meets 8od. ||$|| 3I+n ko dw4w myrw 0'/u ] !"4#$7% rwmklI% mhlw 5& My 8od is the of souls. 0:rn 0rmys; su+wmI 8it 8it rw4w myrw 0'/u ]$] rhwa ] !"4#$7% rwmklI% mhlw 5& ,he <erfect ,ranscendent Lord Master% my 8od% im5ues each and e.ery heart. ||$||<ause|| 4w kI 1hI mn =t ] !"4#$!% rwmklI% mhlw 5& My mind has 1ras0ed 6is -u00ort. 5M2n 4y hoe> ?ot ] !"4#$!% rwmklI% mhlw 5& My 5onds ha.e 5een shattered. ihrd7 3i0 0rmw@nd ] !"4#$"% rwmklI% mhlw 5& Aithin my heart% I meditate on the Lord% the em5odiment of su0reme 5liss. mn mwih /ey +@nd ]2] !"4#$"% rwmklI% mhlw 5& My mind is filled with ecstasy. ||2|| 4wrB 4rB hir srB ] !"4#$"% rwmklI% mhlw 5& ,he Lord9s -anctuary is the 5oat to carry us across. 3I.n C0 hir crB ] !"4#$"% rwmklI% mhlw 5& ,he Lord9s (eet are the em5odiment of life itself.

0@nw !"5 sM4n ky 0'wB +2wr ] !"5#$% rwmklI% mhlw 5&

,hey are the -u00ort of the 5reath of life of the -aints. Dcy 4y Dc +0wr ]3] !"5#$% rwmklI% mhlw 5& 8od is infinite% the hi1hest of the hi1h. ||3|| su mi4 sw; i34u hir ismrI37 ] !"5#$% rwmklI% mhlw 5& ,hat mind is eBcellent and su5lime% which meditates in remem5rance on the Lord. kir ikr0w i3su +w0y dI37 ] !"5#2% rwmklI% mhlw 5& In 6is Mercy% the Lord 6imself 5estows it. s:* sh3 +w@nd hir nwa ] !"5#2% rwmklI% mhlw 5& <eace% intuiti.e 0oise and 5liss are found in the Lord9s Eame. nwnk 3i0+w 1ur imil nwa ]4]27]3!] !"5#2% rwmklI% mhlw 5& Meetin1 with the 8uru% Eanak chants the Eame. ||4||27||3!||

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