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Abandon all your clever tricks. kir syvw syvk swij ] (895-3, rwmklI, m lw 5!

"ecome #is servant, and serve #im. A$nw Aw$u s%l imtwie ] (895-3, rwmklI, m lw 5! &otally erase your sel'-conceit. mn ic(dy sye) *l $wie ]+] (895-,, rwmklI, m lw 5! -ou s all obtain t e 'ruits o' your mind.s desires. //+// o u swv0wn A$uny %ur isa ] (895-,, rwmklI, m lw 5! "e awake and aware wit your 1uru.

Awsw mnsw $2rn ov- $wvi s%l in0wn %ur isa ]+] r wa ] (895-,,
rwmklI, m lw 5! -our o$es and desires s all be 'ul'illed, and you s all obtain all treasures 'rom t e 1uru. //+//*ause// d2jw n I jwn- koie ] (895-5, rwmklI, m lw 5! 3et no one t ink t at 1od and 1uru are se$arate. s4%u5 inr(jnu soie ] (895-5, rwmklI, m lw 5! & e &rue 1uru is t e Immaculate 3ord. mwnu6 kw kir 7$u n jwnu ] (895-8, rwmklI, m lw 5! 0o not believe t at #e is a mere uman bein%9 imlI inmwny mwnu ]:] (895-8, rwmklI, m lw 5! #e %ives onor to t e dis onored. //:// %ur kI ir tyk itkwie ] (895-8, rwmklI, m lw 5! #old ti% t to t e ;u$$ort o' t e 1uru, t e 3ord. Avr Awsw s" lwi ] (895-8, rwmklI, m lw 5! 1ive u$ all ot er o$es. ir kw nwmu mw%u in0wnu ] (895-<, rwmklI, m lw 5! Ask 'or t e treasure o' t e =ame o' t e 3ord, 4w dr% $wvi mwnu ]3] (895-<, rwmklI, m lw 5! and t en you s all be onored in t e >ourt o' t e 3ord. //3// %ur kw bcnu ji$ m(4u ] (895-<, rwmklI, m lw 5! > ant t e (antra o' t e 1uru.s ?ord. ey w "%i4 swr 44u ] (895-8, rwmklI, m lw 5! & is is t e essence o' true devotional wors i$. si4%ur "ey dieAwl ] (895-8, rwmklI, m lw 5! ? en t e &rue 1uru becomes merci'ul, nwnk dws in wl ],]:8]39] (895-8, rwmklI, m lw 5! slave =anak is enra$tured. //,//:8//39// rwmklI m lw 5 ] (895-9, rwmklI, m lw 5! @aamkalee, Ai't (e lB ov- soe) "l mwnu ] (895-9, rwmklI, m lw 5! ? atever a$$ens, acce$t t at as %ood. Aw$nw 4ij Ai"mwnu ] (895-9, rwmklI, m lw 5!

3eave your e%otistical $ride be ind. idnu r-in sdw %un %wa ] (895-9, rwmklI, m lw 5! 0ay and ni% t, continually sin% t e 1lorious *raises o' t e 3ord. $2rn ey I suAwa ]+] (895-+C, rwmklI, m lw 5! & is is t e $er'ect $ur$ose o' uman li'e. //+// AwDnd kir s(4 ir ji$ ] (895-+C, rwmklI, m lw 5! (editate on t e 3ord, E ;aints, and be in bliss.

>wi' isAwn$ b u c4urwe) %ur kw ji$ m(4u inrml ]+] r wa ] (895+C, rwmklI, m lw 5! @enounce your cleverness and all your tricks. > ant t e Immaculate > ant o' t e 1uru.s

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