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Professor & Head Department of Environmental Science Vivekananda College, Thakurpukur

For whom ?

Who is RIGHT ???


HUNTING For what ?




Who should be Allowed ???





Who is WRONG ???

Environmental Ethics ( Rolston, 2003)

Environmental ethics is theory and practice about appropriate concern for, values in, and duties regarding the natural world. By classical accounts, ethics is people relating to people injustice and love. Environmental ethics starts with human concerns for a quality environment, and some think this shapes the ethic from start to finish.

Kinds of Environmental Ethics

The concept of ethics involves standards of conduct. These standards help to distinguish between behavior that is considered right and that which is considered wrong. The concepts of Wrong and Right are perceptual and depend on the moral of individual. Hence there is no universal Code of Ethics. When a Poor cut a tree to earn his essential livelihood, he is Right in his perception, but is Wrong in perception of an Conservationist. Whether the act was GOOD or BAD?

Ethics or Environmental Ethics looks into the problem, and ascertains the limit and causes of Exploitation of the Nature. Environmental ethic includes humans as part of the natural community rather than managers of it. Such an ethic places limits on human activities (e.g., uncontrolled resource use), that may adversely affect the natural community. As humans become a part of the natural community, it must have a stake in the environment. The ethics helps in negotiation between the extent of exploitation and necessity for survival of human as a part of it.

Environmental Ethics include dimensions like:

Equal distribution of Natural resources, Exploitation of Finite resource like land considering its Carrying capacity, Minimizing global threats especially by restricting transboundary pollutant movements, Continual economic development for Commons along with continual environmental improvements.


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