TI Foundation Reorganizes Under New Leadership Affiliation With NNY Community Foundationt

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Thousand Islands Foundation

PO Box 1000, Clayton, New York 136 !

Affiliated with the Northern New York Community Foundation

"#holarshi$ Fundraisin% &inner Planned 'or ($ril 16

TI Foundation )eor%ani*es +nder New ,eadershi$ (''iliation with NNY Co--unity Foundation
The Thousand Islands Foundation which has awarded more than $250,000 to area students since its founding in 2002 is taking steps to strengthen its position and organization to provide scholarships for the long-term enefit of area students! The Foundation"s long esta lished goal is #to generate and distri ute resources to create, enrich, and e$pand scholarship opportunities to ma$imize success for Thousand Islands area students and graduates!% It provides financial aid to students of the &le$andria, 'afargeville, '(me and Thousand Islands school districts! Its mission will continue as it affiliates with the )orthern )ew *ork +ommunit( Foundation! &s part of its continuing efforts to support the local scholarships, the Foundation will hold its annual fundraising dinner at the +lipper Inn in +la(ton on ,ednesda(, &pril -., eginning at /010 p!m! for takeouts with seating from 5 to 2010 p!m! Tickets are priced at $-2!50 for adults and $.!50 for children and are availa le at the schools, the 3offee 3ove in +la(ton or from the office of the dinner chairman, &ttorne( 4cott )ortz, at 225 6ohn 4treet in +la(ton, telephone .2.-5552! The( will also e availa le at the door! &pplications for this (ear7s round of scholarship awards are availa le for downloading at www!thousandislandsfoundation!org! &pplications for scholarships from area high school seniors and graduates will e accepted with a deadline of 8a( -.! The Foundation has ecome an affiliate of the )orthern )ew *ork +ommunit( Foundation and will continue to e led ( a local oard of directors! &t an &pril 2 reorganization and usiness meeting +ar( 9! :rick was elected +hairman to succeed retiring :oard mem er 'ori ;urand! Frank <ouse, 4uperintendent of Thousand Islands +entral, was elected =ice +hairman! 4uperintendents Travis <oover of 'afargeville +entral and 3(le Faulkner of &le$andria +entral were named to the :oard! >ther :oard mem ers are 6ohn 4latter(, 4ecretar(? ;ale 3en(on, ;r! @eorge For es, 8ike :rennan, 6ef 8artusewicz, &ttorne( )ortz, 3aren ;onahue, Aaul 'uck, <oward 'echler, 4ue ,hitne(, and 6ack Freislich! #9esidents from throughout 6efferson +ount( have alwa(s een active supporters of the scholarships ( their attendance at the Foundation7s annual fundraising dinner,% said :oard +hairman +ar( :rick, #it has ecome somewhat of a ritual along the river communities as a traditional springtime event! This will e the first event for our Foundation as a component of the )orthern )ew *ork +ommunit( Foundation! 4ince -525 that Foundation has een a stalwart of )orth +ountr( philanthrop( with current assets e$ceeding $50 million! ,e are proud of our new relationship which will ensure the Thousand Islands Foundation7s sustaina ilit( in perpetuit(! That is great news for the students of our four school districts!%

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