Through The Dark Wood

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Through the Dark Wood

James Hollis


The Middle Passage and the Project of the Second Half of Life
Introduction The creation of the false self Common psychological coping strategies The passage into the second half of life Asking the right questions The paradoxes of individuation Working with dreams Important questions for the second half of life, part one Important questions for the second half of life, part two


Healing the Souls of Men and Women

Introduction Mens secrets The six stages of mens initiation Mens mother complex Rites of passage How can men heal? The anima and animus Conscious relationship The three categories of personal healing Recovering the soul

Fantasies of Eden: The Psychodynamics of Relationships

Introduction The possibility of relationship Projection and transference Our relational strategies The developmental stages in every relationship The paradoxes of relationships, part one The paradoxes of relationships, part two The journey is our home Powerful questions to apply to your relationship

Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life

Introduction Living the questions Questions for the second half of life Living a larger life Complexes Dreams and the second half of life Living your truth Living the large questions, part one Living the large questions, part two Living the large questions, part three

Constructing a Mature Spirituality

Introduction What constitutes a mature spirituality? Addictions The numinous The three great eras in human history The five tests of mature spirituality Our journey is our home

Swampland Visitations: Dealing with Adversity

Introduction Encountering the swamplands Guilt Grief and loss Betrayal Doubt and loneliness Depression Addictions Anxiety and anger The lessons of the swampland visitations

Many voices. One journey. For a free catalog of wisdom teachings for the inner life, visit or call 800.333.9185.

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