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Footnote Guidelines 1. 2. 3. ". '.

Font: Times New Roman, size 10 Spacing: Single space Paragraph: Hanging paragraph ! 0.3 cm #$sti%ie& %rom all si&es. Paragraph a%ter 3 pt

1. Normal oo(:

Richar& ). Fran(. Al-Ghazalis Theophany *New +or(: ,o-er P$ lications, 200'., 23/"0 21.

2. Translate& oo(:
2 3

Richar& Fran(. Gazalinin yilik Anlay, trans. 2hmet ,$ran *2n(ara: )etis +a!3nlar3, 2004., 2'3. 5mman$el 6ant. The Perpetual Peace, trans. 7ill ,$rant *8hicago: The 9ni-ersit! o% 8hicago Press, 11:4., chapter '.

3. ;&ite& oo(:

7illiam ,ampier. <The Rise o% =ree( Science> in Western Scientific Achievements in the A e of Ale!an"er the Great, e&. 8harles Singer *2l an!, N+: State 9ni-ersit! o% New +or( Press, 11:4.. See also 2lparslan 2?3(gen?, Scientific Thou ht an" its #ur"ens *5stan $l: Fatih 9ni-ersit! Press, 2000., partic$larl! 8hapter 3.

". )ore than one a$thor oo(:


7illiam ,ampier, Richar& Fran( an& Nelson 6iang. <The Rise o% =ree( Science> in Western Scientific Achievements, op. cit., 23.

'. P$ lisher $n(nown oo(:


7illiam Richar&son. The $ise of Greek Thou ht in the %lassical A e *8hicago: Np, 11:4..

@. Normal Ao$rnal article

' @ 4 : 1

Richar& )ac,ono$gh Fran(. <The Neoplatonism o% =ahm i n Sa%wan>, &e 'useon 4: *11@'., 31%%. Fran(, Theophany, op. cit., '1. 5 i&. Nelson 6iang. <8on%$ci$s>, $outle" e (ncylope"ia of Philosophy, 1: "'4. 8. ;. Bosworth. <5le( 6hans or 6ara(hCni&s>, ()*. 7illiam 8. ,ampier. A +istory of Science *8am ri&ge: 8am ri&ge 9ni-ersit! Press, 11:1., Di-. 5 i&, 43.

10 11

4. 2rticle p$ lishe& in a oo(


2nthon! Richar&son. <The Neoplatonic Theor! o% Being>, Ancient %ommentators on Plato, e&. Fre&eric 8opleston *New Ha-en: The ,o-er Press, 11::., 31%%. ,ampier. <The Rise o% =ree( Science>, op. cit., 2'.


:. 7or(s on a 7e site


)ichael )arm$ra. <The Neoplatonic Theor! o% Being in 2-icenna>, http,--.../muslimphilosophy/com-sina-, 1:.10.2010. ,ampier. +istory of Science, op. cit., 2'. Ta(en %rom http,--.../muslimphilosophy/com-sina-, 1:.10.2010. See http,--.../muslimphilosophy/com-sina-, 1:.10.2010.

1' 1@ 14

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