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Giving advice\Expressing criticism

s%imming a ter lun!h. ,he didnt stay near the bea!h

Giving advice\Expressing criticism

I (dont) think its a good idea to. You shouldn\shouldnt. Why dont you? Eat too many hamburgers or pizzas Eat a lot o !ho!olate or i!e "!ream Eat a lot o ruit and #egetables $rink izzy drinks or beer $rink a lot o %ater &a#e !ereal %ith milk or break ast 'ake regular e(er!ise Walk to %ork II. )ead the ollo%ing des!riptions o e#ents* then make senten!es using should/shouldnt+ perfect infinitive 1. )obert %ent skiing in the mountains last +onday* but his day ended in disaster as he got lost in a sno%storm. &e didnt !he!k the ore!ast. &e didnt take a !ompass %ith him. &e %ent alone. 2. ,te#e %ent or a dri#e in the desert but his -eep broke do%n and he nearly died. &e %ent %ithout telling anyone. &e didnt take enough petrol %ith him. &e didnt take a hat. 3. .loria sunbath in her garden last %eekend and she got burnt. ,he didnt put any sun !ream on. ,he didnt use a sunshade. ,he ell asleep. ,he stayed in the sun or si( hours. 4. ,amantha nearly dro%ned yesterday. ,he %ent to an empty bea!h. ,he didnt tell her parents she %as going s%imming. ,he %ent

I (dont) think its a good idea to. You shouldn\shouldnt. Why dont you? Eat too many hamburgers or pizzas Eat a lot o !ho!olate or i!e "!ream Eat a lot o ruit and #egetables $rink izzy drinks or beer $rink a lot o %ater &a#e !ereal %ith milk or break ast 'ake regular e(er!ise Walk to %ork II. )ead the ollo%ing des!riptions o e#ents* then make senten!es using should/shouldnt+ perfect infinitive 1. )obert %ent skiing in the mountains last +onday* but his day ended in disaster as he got lost in a sno%storm. &e didnt !he!k the ore!ast. &e didnt take a !ompass %ith him. &e %ent alone. 2. ,te#e %ent or a dri#e in the desert but his -eep broke do%n and he nearly died. &e %ent %ithout telling anyone. &e didnt take enough petrol %ith him. &e didnt take a hat. 3. .loria sunbath in her garden last %eekend and she got burnt. ,he didnt put any sun !ream on. ,he didnt use a sunshade. ,he ell asleep. ,he stayed in the sun or si( hours.

4. ,amantha nearly dro%ned yesterday. ,he %ent to an empty bea!h. ,he didnt tell her parents she %as going s%imming. ,he %ent s%imming a ter lun!h. ,he didnt stay near the bea!h.

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