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Piess Release


Api. 6, 2u14 Couitney Beinaiu
Elections Committee Chaii
Associateu Stuuent uoveinment
(S1S) Suu-8u98

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0XF0RB, 0hio - The Associateu Stuuent uoveinment Elections Committee issueu a minoi
violation to the Cole Tyman Natalie Bata campaign foi an infiaction of the campaign
finance iules on Sunuay, Apiil 6. To coinciue with the violation, the Tyman Bata campaign
faces a $1uu ieuuction to theii $2,uuu spenuing limit.

"Each slate must submit a weekly expense iepoit outlining all of theii expenuituies," says
elections committee finance chaii Nax Smith. "Tyman Bata uiu not submit a iepoit last
week anu weie calleu in foi a heaiing with the elections committee."

Aftei a heaiing with stuuent bouy piesiuential canuiuate Cole Tyman, the committee
ueemeu the violation a minoi offense.

"Campaign spenuing is something that we take veiy seiiously," says elections committee
membei Nichael Nitiakos. "Canuiuates must be piompt anu tianspaient with all of theii

The elections committee continues to monitoi the stuuent bouy election piocess anu
aujuuicate violations as necessaiy. voting foi stuuent bouy piesiuent anu vice piesiuent
staits Weunesuay, Apiil 9 at 12p.m. thiough Thuisuay, Apiil 1u at 7p.m. on the hub
website: miamioh.euuhub.


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