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Activities of MADP

Speakers Bureau
interesting program? the death penalty
issourians for

Chapter meetings to educate and organize opposition to the death penalty. In all things, affirm life and replace the death penalty with restorative justice principles. Monitor death penalty activities, including capital trials and appeals, and public policy. Offer support to prisoners, families and friends of those living under a death sentence, and to families of murder victims.

Looking for an

Missourians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty 6320 Brookside Plaza, Suite 185 Kansas City, MO 64113 Web:
Donations for programs appreciated but not required

Consider the case against



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MADP provides speakers qualified to discuss capital punishment from many perspectives:

Some Issues
The death penalty focuses on vengeance and retribution rather than healing The death penalty prolongs the agony of victims families The status of pending executions Wrongful Convictions Concerns about lethal injection

Parents of inmates on death row Families of murder victims Attorneys who have defended death row inmates Law enforcement professionals Clergy who bring a moral and theological perspective Educators who bring a social and philosophical perspective Witnesses to executions

Programs for your group or church

A general overview of the death penalty The cost argument The moral argumentits ineffective; it is not a deterrent The unequal administration argument, Killing innocent persons Witness of parents of persons under death sentence Witness of chaplains working with death-sentenced prisoners Law enforcement views

eg., race and income discrimination

Presentation Methods
Panel Discussions Lectures with Q & A Informal discussions Study Groups and Book Clubs Film Showings Workshops

To arrange for a speaker or program, contact MADP leaders in: Columbia (573-449-4585) Kansas City (816-206-8692) Springfield (417-459-2960) St. Louis (314-322-5159)

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