Red Lake District High School

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TRIP ITINERARY Beaverbrae High School We !e" a#$ A%ril &

We !e" a#$ A%ril &'h 6:30 a.m. 7:30 a.m. #:30 a.m. $0:00 a.m. Leave the high school parking lot Pick up Ear Falls students at the Trillium (i necessar!" Tea(" arrive a' Beaverbrae HS %ames start &eparture time or 'ed Lake is unkno(n at this time. Times (ill )e posted at 'ams*port+et on T(itter as soon as the! are availa)le. Co"' o) 'ri% Food E,pense (estimated": -./.00 0t is recommended that students )ring ood and drinks or the da!. 0t ma! )e di icult to arrange or students to purchase ood throughout the da!. *!i)or(" 1ll team mem)ers must (ear a (hite shirt. E+,i%(e!' 0 !ou do not have !our o(n rac2uet or goggles !ou (ill )e a)le to use those provided )! !our coaches. 3ou must sign or )oth rac2uets and goggles and (ill )e charged replacement costs i either !our rac2uet or goggles are not returned. Phone 4ontact person(s" or trip arrival time is: &arrin 5ausch (7.763767". 7pdates (ill )e posted on T(itter 8 'ams*port+et -or Coache". School Co!'ac'" S'/ Tho(a" A+,i!a" 0 Beaverbrae Travi" Ba''er" 1thletic &irector S'/ Tho(a" A+,i!a" HS 9 ice Phone: (:07" /;:6:.:. Reg 1cDo!al 1thletic &irector Beaverbrae High School 9 ice Phone: (:07" ;6:66;0$

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