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Edgar Bautista Len

How schools kill creativity

(Sir Ken Robinson)
Ken Robinson started his talk saying that he has an interest in education and in fact, he thinks that we all have too. Ken said that we cannot disagree about the wonderful capacities that children have, capacities for creating and do not be afraid of being wrong. The main idea was the importance of creativity, we should treat it like we treat math or literacy but we are not doing it very well; in all the world there is an education system which does not prepare us to be wrong, and if we are not prepared to be wrong, we will never have anything original in our minds. Our educational system changes our minds and with the time we do not grow into creativity, we grow out of it. We lose the capacity of creativity because we have a hierarchy of subjects with the art in the bottom, and even in the arts we have hierarchy; arts and music are considered more important than drama or dance. There no exist any single school that give the same importance to dance and mathematics. The situation is not the same as used to be, now to have a job or being someone important we have to worry about the grades that we have or the grades we want to have, nobody cares about creativity, everyone thinks that creativity is not a synonym of intelligence.

1. What is the topic? The topic of the conference is the big importance of creativity and why is dying, how the schools support other subjects rather than arts and dance.

Edgar Bautista Len 2. What does he say to support his statement? He said that we all think creativity is not useful to have success in our lives, we can see all the educational systems in the world, teachers teach us to think that knowledge is more important than creativity and that is the problem because we do not care about creativity, we care about grades, facts, knowing more than others.

3. Do you agree? Why? I am absolutely agree because to me knowledge is not the most important thing in the world, I care about creativity, in fact, I want to be a writer and I love literature, to me literature is one of the most purest form of creativity. I do not like just learning things and acting by memory, I think that we all have to find the creativity we have in ourselves not just to have success, be famous or things like that, we have to do it to feel us free.

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