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You’ve heard about

the dynamic and inspiring

leadership program in Morgan Hill.

Now is your chance to join in.

N O W A C C E P T I N G A P P L I C AT I O N S F O R T H E C L A S S O F 2 0 1 0

You Bring This! You Get This!

 Your special background, knowledge  The confidence and passion to serve the
and interests to the program community and to inspire and mobilize others
 Have aspiration to contribute to the  Develop friendships that last a lifetime
betterment of our community  Exciting opportunities to get involved in the
 Be prepared to commit time and energy community
while participating in the program  Gain indepth knowledge of local politics,
 A desire to become part of a network of economic and government structures
personal and professional contacts  Develop a deeper understanding of critical
active in community affairs issues such as crime, economic development,
education and human services

Call Today
Apply by Nov 15

ww w. L e a d e r s h i p Mo r g an Hill. o rg
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