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Name: ___________________

Name: ____________________

Unit 5 Week 3 pp. 406 - 423

Unit 5 Week 3 pp. 406 - 423

I have read my story, discussed the after reading questions, and reviewed the story vocabulary on the back of this bookmark for my homework tonight. Students signature __________________________

I have read my story, discussed the after reading questions, and reviewed the story vocabulary on the back of this bookmark for my homework tonight.
Students signature __________________________ Parents/Guardians signature __________________________

Parents/Guardians signature

After Reading: Find the answers to these

questions in your book.

After Reading: Find the answers to these

questions in your book.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What is the purpose of Ben Franklins almanac? Reread p. 409 para. 3 Summarize the accomplishments of Ben Franklin? Reread p. 409-410 Use pp. 411-412 to summarize the inventions of Ben Franklin. What did Ben Franklin think lightning was? Reread p.416. Do you think early Europeans were aware of how importance the discover of electricity was? What context clues help you understand the meaning of Gulf Stream? Reread p. 414 What steps did Ben Franklin take to solve the problem of fires caused by lightning? p. 416-417. What does the author mean by the idiom would have been toast? Reread p. 417 How did Ben Franklins invention, the lightning rod, help steal lightning from the sky? Reread p. 421

1. 2. 3.

What is the purpose of Ben Franklins almanac? Reread p. 409 para. 3 Summarize the accomplishments of Ben Franklin? Reread p. 409-410 Use pp. 411-412 to summarize the inventions of Ben Franklin.


What did Ben Franklin think lightning was? Reread p.416.

Do you think early Europeans were aware of how importance the discover of electricity was? What context clues help you understand the meaning of Gulf Stream? Reread p. 414 What steps did Ben Franklin take to solve the problem of fires caused by lightning? p. 416-417. What does the author mean by the idiom would have been toast? Reread p. 417









How did Ben Franklins invention, the lightning rod, help steal lightning from the sky? Reread p. 421

Vocabulary Review
Discuss the meaning of each word as you read. Use the glossary to look up the definition of words you do not know. dizzy hilarious mischief experiment genuine nowadays

Vocabulary Review
Discuss the meaning of each word as you read. Use the glossary to look up the definition of words you do not know. dizzy hilarious mischief experiment genuine nowadays





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