My Teaching Philosophy

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My Teaching Philosophy

By: Shauna Simonson I realize that children are our future and I believe that all children bring something essential to our world. In my role as an educator, I hope to help children discover their passion and reach their fullest potential to bring something extraordinary to our world. My goal is to create a future in which our children accept everyone, respect others, and embrace everyones differences. My philosophies regarding positive relationships within the school community and building a positive school climate as well as my preferred use of curriculum, pedagogy, management, and partnerships are all described throughout my personal philosophy statement. I believe that building relationships with students is critical and that developing a positive student-teacher relationship can determine student success. When students have a positive relationship with their teacher they trust their teacher. Without trust students are not willing to take risks, and learning is all about taking risks. As a teacher I know that building a rapport with my students, discussing their interests, and allowing them to communicate with me whenever necessary is what builds a positive relationship and a level of trust. Developing positive relationships with all members of the school community is essential. I especially understand the importance of developing a trustworthy principal-teacher relationship. I see principals as facilitators, supporters, and reinforcers rather than leaders or dictators. Teachers and principals must work as a team with the same overall goal and vision for student success. In order for students to be successful in school I believe the climate of the school and the climate of my classroom needs to be safe and welcoming. My classroom will be a welcoming and safe community in which all students care for one another and encourage one another. I will assure that my students are participating in community developing activities on a daily basis to ensure that they are working together and supporting one another.

My preferred curriculum is one in which all subject areas are balanced. I believe in interdisciplinary and cross-curricular teaching in which knowledge, principals, skills, and values are applied to more than one academic discipline simultaneously. I also recognize how fundamental literacy is and believe that literacy should be incorporated into all subject areas. Without the ability to read students cannot succeed in other content areas. My pedagogical beliefs are based on theories I have studied and successful strategies I have developed through working with students. My instruction includes scaffolding to promote a deeper level of learning. My daily goal is to give students support which is tailored to their individual needs with the intention of helping them achieve their learning goals. I give students choices in their learning and strive to connect learning in my classroom to everyday experiences. I hold high expectations for my students and set goals with my students. I utilize explicit teacher modeling in my practice to provide students with a clear, multi-sensory model of a skill or concept. Helping students develop a passion for learning and a desire to engage in lifelong learning is my overall goal. My use of positive discipline and classroom management techniques allow the classroom community to run efficiently. My management philosophy combines discipline with dignity. I believe in setting boundaries and limitations that are supported by rules, routines, and consequences. The rules, expectation, and consequences of my classroom are developed collaboratively by the students and I. By doing this I believe I allow children to hold themselves accountable for their actions as well as their learning. I also value trying to meet the specific behavior needs of my students. Effective learning takes place when students respond to the discipline and management within their classroom.

My final belief is that the increased involvement of parents and members of the community greatly effect a childs education. Research and field work show that parent-schoolpartnerships improve schools, strengthen families, build community support, and increase student achievement and success. As an educator I know that I must develop ways to engage parents and community members successfully into my students education. I will encourage families to participate in all facets of their child's education. I also believe that public schools should develop partnerships with businesses, civic organizations, and other community groups to promote adult participation in children's education and to maximize the resources available to support learning. My role as a teacher is to give children the skills and tools that they need in order to become successful individuals. I strive to make learning relevant and encourage students to make connections between what they learn in school and what they can accomplish in their lives. The basis of all my instruction is to encourage children to become active members of society and responsible members of their community. The overall goal I hold is to give my students the skills necessary in order to be successful, the courage to have confidence in in themselves, and the compassion to care for themselves and others.

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