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M|che||e S||berman

41-13 Llalne 1errace ! lalr Lawn, n! 07410 ! 201.833.9382 ! Mlchelle.Sllberman[

Drexe| Un|vers|ty ro[ecLed CraduaLlon: !une 2013
ennonl Ponors College hlladelphla, A
8S ln 8uslness AdmlnlsLraLlon CA: 3.8
Ma[ors: LnLrepreneurshlp and MarkeLlng
Un|vers|dad de ont|f|c|a Com|||as (Study Lxchange rogram) Madrld, Spaln
Mlnor: lnLernaLlonal Area SLudles Sep. - uec 2012
Le8ow Co||ege of 8us|ness -1eacher Ass|stant SepLember 2013 - resenL
Lxcluslve Leadershlp uevelopmenL rogram LhaL Lralns sLudenLs Lo effecLlvely lead ln a classroom seLLlng
lnsLrucL an lnLroducLlon Lo 8uslness course for Le8ow sLudenLs
repare lesson plans LhaL furLher Lhe undersLandlng of fundamenLal buslness prlnclpals
Drexe| 1rad|t|ons - D|rector of kecru|tment, VI, & Genera| Adm|ss|on 2011 - resenL
Managed vl & general admlsslon operaLlons Leam for urexel's Annual Pomecomlng LvenLs
8ecrulLed volunLeers for markeLlng campalgn
A|d||n Inst|tute Ltd. - Market|ng & Company Lxpans|on Spec|a||st Aprll 2013 - Sep. 2013
ulrecLed new ?ork expanslon ln boLh Lhe Lngllsh and 8usslan - speaklng markeLs
updaLed all soclal medla markeLlng and lmproved cusLomer ouLreach Lo faclllLaLe expanslon
Culded Lhe LranslLlon from Lhe P1ML formaLLed webslLe Lo Wordress
Le8ow Co||ege of 8us|ness - eer Leader lall 1erm 2012
MenLored flrsL year 8uslness Learnlng CommunlLy sLudenLs Lo help Lhem accllmaLe Lo college expecLaLlons
Led mandaLory freshman course LhaL focused on Leachlng Llme managemenL and work eLhlc skllls
1he I|rst 1ee Greater h||ade|ph|a - 8us|ness Cperat|ons Co-op Aprll 2012 - Aug. 2012
8esearched and analyzed oLher chapLers ln order Lo opLlmlze Lhe markeLlng plan
CreaLed all promoLlonal maLerlal LhaL alded Lhe expanslon of new slLe locaLlons
Secured a $2,000 granL fund for Lhe LCA Clrl's Colf rogram
W|th our neart Do our art - Lvent & Market|ng Coord|nator 2009 - 2012
lounded an annual sLudenL run charlLy evenL ln lalr Lawn Plgh School
ulrecLed commlLLees Lo markeL, organlze, and execuLe all aspecLs of Lhe phllanLhroplc evenLs
Managed 3 annual evenLs LhaL ralsed over $700 for !uvenlle ulabeLes, $2000 for n! Care lus
Sulclde Awareness loundaLlon, and $3,000 for Lhe Memorlal Sloan keLLerlng Cancer CenLer for Chlldren
1hump Lnterta|nment Group - Market|ng Management Intern 2010 - 2011
MarkeLed new song releases Lo LargeL demographlc
LxecuLed merchandlse orders and dlsLrlbuLlon for Lhe band Money lame & Love
Awards & Leadersh|p Act|v|t|es
Avlv Leadershlp uevelopmenL, Lzra uSA: 2011 - resenL
A! urexel Scholarshlp: 2010 - resenL
vlce resldenL, Chabad aL urexel unlverslLy: 2011 - 2012
Slnal Scholars rogram, Chabad AL urexel unlverslLy: 2011
8uslness Learnlng CommunlLy, urexel unlverslLy: 2010 - 2011
Language: lluenL 8usslan, ConversaLlonal Spanlsh
CompuLer: MlcrosofL Cfflce (Word, Lxcel, owerolnL) Wordress
lnLeresLs: LaLln 8allroom uanclng, Skllng, lnLernaLlonal Culslne, & Lxperlenclng new CulLures

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