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'c:;e thewebsite, The numberyou will need forbothyourUser nameand
!l1ssword isyourSSID numberfound on yourSIS information.
On theHomePage, underCareerInterestSurvey,chooseRealityCheck. Choose"Geta
RealityCheck."Choose thecityorregion in Utah whereyou maywanttolive. Answerthequestions
as ifyou havefinished youreducation and are readytoliveon yourown. Go through the Reality
Checktosee howmuch you aregoingtoneed tomaketohavethetypeofLifestyleyou are looking
for. Attheend you will cometoapagethatsaysOccupations.This page showsyou howmuch
you will need toearn to havethis lifestyle. Choosetheeducation level you plan toattain. Then
selectanOccupationCluster. When you hitnext,you will see whatoccupationsyou can pursue.
Chooseoneofthe listedoccupationstosee whatyourjob/careerwould entailand howmuch you
would make. NowcheckUnitedStatesin thenextbox. Thatwill bring uptheoccupationsagain
and when you choose one ofthoseyou can see the local, stateand national averagewages.
Nowanswerthefollowing questionsaboutyourRealityCheck:
1. Howmuch moneyareyou goingtoneed tomaketo livethelifeyouwant?
!\Y'lY)lA o.2 -
2. How long doyou need togotoschool/training in ordertomakethis much money?
3. Ifyou don'twanttogotoschool/training forthat howwould you havetochangeyour
lifestyle? -r.I 0\ 'rJ;..)Jt. +- cJ(. Yh
nC) S 0('" t\- W y\, \ e u) '" So.. \J t Lt?'
4. Did thishelpyou with anyfuture plans? _yes )(.no
Go backtotheHomepage. UnderOccupationsandlobs,
1. ChooseOccupationsIndex.
A. Choose an Occupation
B. Read theoverview.
C. Read Helpful high school courses
D. Read EmploymentOutlook
Answerthefollowing questions:
1. JobjCareerTitle
2. Description U\-.J\{ri\CfV\!lIV\\g,
3. Experience needed CD\\ fP>
4. Education/Training 1\\ \ (}... \o(S
5. Common WorkActivities
A. i\"'"\ ?Ik\- :l; (\ Q
B. \(LO( (l _ $ \ ; --.:? f 10(\
c. '0 Cpr ch '\ ;d"
6. Importa t abilities
a. ,\?
\ ,

, f)
b. \\J Q <A(\d \.J
C. Use
7. ImportantSkills\
'X> e o", b\.p ( D(W\fl'\IA
Go Back to Occupations and choose Compare from the tabs at the top. Compare the
job/career from above with a 2
job/career. Read howthese 2careersthatyou are thinking
aboutare similarand different. ( I
1. OtherCareeryou areconsidering:
2. Which ofthe2would you prefernowand why?/) .
Preferred Occupation t-nv\rD S(.;\-uyJr-\ "'-,
fY\o0Q..- v 'I,.}<+'1 ) oj \,- teh)
Go back to Home and, unde Education & Training, choose Programs of Study. Choose 1
area of study for 1 of the 2lob/Careersyou just looked at. Underoverview READ
1) Program admission; 2)Graduateadmissions; 3)Typical coursework; 4)Thingstoknow.
LIST 4newthingsyou learned from reading thisinformation.
1. /V\ t4&d-\-b t. R--
2. 0 C C)\QA"\ (/
3. .
lA CMt'\\..v\y\.to'
Now choose Utah Schools. Choose an area in the State that you are interested in. Now
choose a School in that area. Click on that school's Program Description. Under Program
Descriptions, click on their website to read about their program.
Which school did you read about?__ _________
List3thin sthatyou learned aboutstudying this atthisschool
1. y e '6c..J 0A' ( (}.\- ()
2. <'-DSl-'.S
3. \-\Df\.....b/S
Now choose U.S. Colleges & Universities. Choose a State other than Utah. Choose a
school from that State's list.
Which school did you read about? \ t)
List3thingsthatwould makeyou wanttostudyatthisschbol
1. ""
2. be!.
3. Stv,.iy t\bclG'bt1 t(D (). t2fh.b . J
Go back to the Home Page. Under Education &Training, choose Undergraduate School
Sort. Read thedirectionsand hitContinue. UnderMajors, inputthe 2areasthatyou chose atthe
beginning ofthisassignment. Continuethrougheach section, putting in thecriteria thatare
importanttoyou. Hint: the morecriteria you enter,the more limitedyourchoices will be. Ifno
optionscome upforyou, go backand takeoutcriteria thatyou reallydon'tcare aboutlike sports,
religion, etc. W at schools arelisted foryou toconsider?
1. \
2. \)l\'\ \J IlX s,+-y 0 Loj; 0 C , 1\
3. Ls\0r c() l\.eRt,
AVV'lt'(A v
Work Values & Skills Profile Assignment
Use the website,
1. Choose Assessments. Nowchoose Work Importance Locator. Then choose
Place the Cards. Read thedirectionsso thatyou know howtomove thecards
This area will helpyou decide whatvalues in ajobare mostimportantto
you. You will be presented anumberofworkconcernsand you will need to
arrangethem on thepage as totheirimportancetoyou. Theycan be moved
higherorlowerin value as you are presented with newones. This helps you to
sortoutwhatis really importanttoyou in acareer, joband working conditions.
Choose Get my Results and you will be presented withalistofcareersthat
meetthecriteria ofWorkImportanceforyou. Choose one career toexplore by
clicking on it. Writedownthe interesting newthingsyou learned aboutthis
2. Now go backtoAssessments. Choose Career Cluster Inventory and answer
Your results are in categories. Chooseyourtop3clusters, oneatatime.
Writedown the nameofthe cluster, something newthatyou learned and an
#1(highest) e('nY1b(blV E- f\eQ(.\ f\9\ }A /\&l I"CA I
I learned .\t.. o, \=\f0\.A.. (cu\'oR. qn Q>M.C\gq.y e."OdinLQr
IIU\% 0-- P10 r'.s M.Q..k., N... .J.LLh ",,$\'--0" w\.\=h 0..
EmploymentOutlookfact -:5b\> b,< b \-\.I..! "\"\',cs \V\ P bC \W t 1"-',\ ."'5
e'\>Q(\-ec\ \-1;:, ....... n( (ts.{. J 0
#2(second highest) \\oS?I '"\: Cql\ atOu. SM
I learned -\'\r-L t".Q.Q.{ \ ".)
CA DC! CY\ eJ < c\ ("e.e .
EmploymentOutlookfact 'BV '1" r\ e<:{<, a S \--t\.(" h'Nj ' -\,k
tld.R.x-l"11 '0tCCA.VUQ. 'f0\-.e.)\- -::ro....,0-j D r
#3(third highest) -:\ Y) 0 r)v VI 0 It .\ e L\r\ V1b \GC1
I learned @ \! -\-=b v.::> i \L
\,oJ i ?P t> Y\Q ( \ "eO .

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