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Clinical Rotations Spring 2014 Kidz and Family Care, Altamonte Springs, FL (Pediatrics) (Jan-May) 120 hours of training

for newborn to adolescent well-child check ups i!!uni"ations sports#school physicals chronic and acute illness !anage!ent under the super$ision of an %&'() *all 201+ Internal Medicine Connection, Longwood, FL Central Florida P!ysicians ("ario#s (%ug-'o$) Assisted Li"ing Facilities) (Ad#lt Primary Care II) 120 hours of training for physical e-a!s lab#diagnostic study results re$iew acute illness $isits chronic disease !anage!ent under the super$ision of an M,) .are of patients with co!orbidities disabilities and acute / chronic illnesses including %l"hei!er0s disease de!entia and (arkinson0s disease under the super$ision of an %&'() *all 201+ $mil Fels%i, &', PA ((omen)s *ealt!) (%ug-'o$) 10 hours of training for annual well-wo!en e-a!s pap s!ears bi!anual e-a!s pel$ic e-a!s contraception counselling post!enopausal care e$aluation and treat!ent of co!!on se-ually trans!itted disease under the super$ision of a ,2) Su!!er Central Florida Inpatient Medicine (+ario#s S,Fs and Memory Care -nits) 201+ (.eriatrics) (May-July) 120 hours of training for physical e-a!s lab#diagnostic study results re$iew acute illness $isits chronic disease !anage!ent under the super$ision of an %&'( at skilled nursing facilities and Me!ory .are 3nits) Spring 201+ Internal Medicine Connection, Longwood, FL (Ad#lt Primary Care I) (Sep-,ec) 120 hours of training for physical e-a!s lab#diagnostic study results re$iew acute illness $isits chronic disease !anage!ent under the super$ision of an M,)

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