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Postlab QuestionsWrite out and respond to the following questions. 1.

Use the soil triangle to determine the type of soils with the following particle sizes a. 20% silt, 10% clay, 70% sand Sandy loam b. 30% sand, 10% clay, 60% silt Silt loam c. 10% silt, 50% sand, 40% clay Sandy clay d. 30% clay, 30% sand, 40% silt Clay loam e. 60% clay, 10% sand, 30% silt - Clay f. 40% sand, 10% silt, 50% clay - Clay 2. List and describe three ways in which soil pH affects an ecosystem. Which plants grow: if the soil is too acidic or too basic, some plants will not survive. Which nutrients are available: nutrients will bind to compounds before being absorbed, and the H+ and OH ions determines which can be bound and absorbed, and which are too big. What the plants will be able to be used for: if the soil is too far to either sides of the pH scale, the use and taste of a plant will change 3. What types of vegetation does soil of the type and pH you sampled best support? Our soil test was not able to be observed because it did not separate effectively 4. What would be the ideal type and pH of soil to have around a home? pH between 6 -6.8 with silt loam texture 5. What would be the ideal type and pH of soil for agriculture? 6-6.8 pH with loam texture 6. How do farmers adjust the pH of soils? Adding limestone if it is too acidic, or sulfur if it is too alkaline/basic

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