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APRIL 4, 2014

NR # 3426B

Declaration of the Capisaan Cave System as a tourist destination sought

A lawmaker has filed a bill that seeks to declare the Capisaan Cave System in the Municipality of Kasibu, Province of Nueva Vi caya as a tourism one! "eputy Speaker Carlos Padilla #$one "istrict, Nueva Vi caya% filed &ouse 'ill ()*+ mandatin, the "epartment of -ourism #".-% to accord priority development to the cave by declarin, it a tourist destination! Padilla said the Capisaan Cave system was discovered by cave enthusiasts when they stumbled upon the cave in search for alternative tourist destinations after the Salinas Salt Sprin,s in 'amban, town were badly dama,ed durin, the )//0 killer earth1uake! -he &ouse leader said various cave enthusiasts have campai,ned to brin, the wonders of the Capisaan Cave system to the attention of the international tourism community! 2"espite numerous ,roups havin, visited the Capisaan Cave system, its immense formations remain untouched and the cave system is still considered pristine and intact,3 Padilla stressed! Accordin, to Padilla, aside from its formations, the Capisaan Cave system4s forest cover is also home to various flora and fauna that mana,e to effectively provide a perfect balance to the ecosystem! 25ith all of these that the cave system has to offer, there is a need for a comprehensive development plan to mana,e the Capisaan Cave system while ensurin, the conservation and protection of its immediate environment,3 Padilla said! 6nder the bill, the ".-, in coordination with the local ,overnment units and other concerned a,encies of the ,overnment, shall prepare a development plan involvin, the construction, installation and maintenance of such appropriate facilities and infrastructure that shall enhance tourism in the area! -he ".- shall take immediate steps in implementin, the tourism development plan that will suit the natural characteristics of the Capisaan Cave system and shall incorporate the same in its overall development plans and pro,rams for national implementation! -he measure also directs the ".- to take full responsibility in promotin, the Capisaan Cave system as tourism area in all its national, re,ional and local promotion pro,rams! #70% lvc

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