HIS135 Week 6 Assignment Nixon and Watergate

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HIS135 Week 6 Assignment: Nixon and Watergate

Resources: American History, Primary Source Investigator; Center for Writing Excellence (CWE) PowerPoint tutorial Create a !icrosoft PowerPoint or anot"er multime#ia tool $resentation of at least % sli#es on t"e $resi#encies of &ixon an# Carter' Inclu#e t"e following: ( ) title sli#e ( )n intro#uction sli#e ( )t least * sli#e on Com$arison of &ixon+s #,tente $olicies to $revious Col# War strategies ( )t least - sli#es on Watergate ( ) sli#e on .or#+s $resi#ency in relation to Watergate ( ) sli#e on Carter+s $resi#ency in relation to Watergate ( ) conclusion sli#e ( ) reference sli#e Inclu#e #etaile# s$ea/ers notes' Incor$orate ma$s, images, an# vi#eo from t"e Primary Source Investigator an# from outsi#e sources' Create a visual tem$late to use on eac" sli#e t"roug"out t"e $resentation' 0se color' .ormat your $resentation accor#ing to )P) gui#elines'

Presidencies: Nixon and Carter

Richard M. Nixon

During his presidency, his biggest problem was the Vietnam War. e reduced the !merican troop numbers o"er in #outheast !sia, and expanded the battling to Cambodia and $aos, a process he called Vietnami%ation. Nobody in !merica supported the war as it got larger. &y !ugust in '()*, the !merican troops were bac+ home, and in ,anuary o- the -ollowing year, a peace treaty signed in Paris allowed prisoners o- war .-rom !merica/ to come bac+ to the 0#.

e was the -irst president to go o"er to China, as he had normal relations with them. 1n '()* around 2ay, he signed the -irst #!$3 agreement with the #o"iet leader $eonid &re%hne". 3he #trategic !rms $imitation 3al+s agreement aided in slowing the arms race, and it made the tension between the !mericans and the #o"iets less o"erpowering .though it didn4t mean the Cold War was o"er/. !-ter 5gypt and #yria attac+ed 1srael in 6ctober o- '()7, the 0# pro"ided a great amount o- aid to 1srael while the #o"iet 0nion supported the !rab states8 this turned the tide o- the 9om :ippur War. &ecause o- this, Nixon beat ;eorge 2c;o"ern in the reelection o- '()*, and +ept the <epublication in o--ice.

3he Watergate scandal messed up his second term as president. =i"e men .who all wor+ed -or Nixon4s reelection committee/ were arrested on ,une ') o- '()* -or attempted burglary at the Democratic National ead>uarters in D.C. 3he in"estigation showed that Nixon4s administration was corrupted8 him and his associates belie"ed their political opponents should be destroyed at whate"er means they needed .e"en i- it was illegal/. 5"en though there isn4t much proo- showing Nixon organi%ed any o- the acti"ities, he partoo+ in co"ering up his associates4 crimes.

During the in"estigation, Nixon4s Vice President a"oided prosecution -or ta+ing bribes while he4d been 2aryland4s ;o"erner by resigning -rom Vice President, and ;erald =ord replaced him. 3he ouse ,udiciary Committee "oted to impeach President Nixon, and Nixon resigned to a"oid being impeached. e was replaced by =ord a-ter resigning on !ugust (, '()?.

Jimm !arter

is presidency started out with him wor+ing really hard as he promised, but most o- the problems were di--icult to -ind an answer -or. !-ter Nixon4s relations with the 9om :ippur War, the !rab countries to place an embargo on oil shipments to the 0nited #tates. 6il price increases -rom the 6P5C because othis had a big negati"e e--ect on the nation4s economy. 3he price o- oil +ept raising between '()@ and '()( until it was o"er ?AA percent higher than it originally was.

6n No"ember ? in '()(, 1ranian militants too+ control othe 0nited #tates embassy in 1ran, ta+ing o"er sixty hostages. 3hough they released !-rican !mericans and the women, B* hostages were held in 1ran -or o"er a year be-ore coming bac+ home. !-ter -ree%ing 1ranian assets in the 0# and trying to diplomatically reason, Carter authori%ed a rescue attempt -or !pril *?, '(@A8 the attempt -ailed, and e"eryone tried +ept saying that a stronger military response would help, but he didn4t want to accidentally +ill any o- the hostages. 1ran agreed to exchange the hostages -or the assets Carter had -ro%en, but the e"ent was humiliating -or both !mericans and -or Carter.

He negotiated a "eace treat #et$een the Midd%e &astern nations o' Israe% and &g "t( $hich $as noted as a great tri)m"h 'or him( #)t it didn*t sa+e him in the ree%ections( and he %ost to Rona%d Reagan. ,ho)gh his "residenc $as o+er( he contin)ed to #e a rea%% acti+e "artici"ant in the comm)nit ( he%"ing to #)i%d homes 'or the home%ess and $riting a 'e$ #ooks that he*s had ")#%ished. He*s a%so aided in internationa% negotiation.



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