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Edward Guajardo Argument Paper

1. Introduction Remember the first time you had your drink, if you e er ha e! "as it at the age around 11#1$ the first time you tried it! "hen it comes to teens to e%perience with a&coho& usua&&y start around those ages which can &ead to addiction to a&coho&. 'any teens &ike adu&ts wi&& now tend to drink and dri e which make the road to not be safe. E en If you are a non#drinker and you(re thinking to yourse&f that you know what the right choices are, you can sti&& be affected by it. "hen it comes to teen they shou&d conse)uences because a&coho& can cause anemia and brain damage, teens cannot afford a *+I, and genetics p&ay a big factor today. ,. -ackground Information *id you know that drunk dri ing didn(t start with just automobi&es! .*runk dri ing actua&&y began &ong before automobi&es were in ented. As soon as man c&imbed onto the back of another anima& and began riding, there ha e been drunken horse, came&, and e&ephant riders/ 0A 1hort 2istory of *runk *ri ing3. 4he first actua&&y dri er that was arrested for drunk dri ing was .George 1mith in 5ondon where he crashed his car into a bui&ding/. -ack then cars was a new toy in America and not e eryone had one un&ess you had money or the too&s to make one, so their where no actua& &aws that banned a&coho& and dri ing. In 16$7 Indiana was the first state to issue &icenses for anyone as &ong as you paid a 78cents fee. It was unti& .16$6 where Indiana made the first -A9 &aw which if you had .17: of a&coho& in your system you get arrested as for today it is .8;

Edward Guajardo Argument Paper

:/0 2istory of Indiana<s *runk *ri ing 5aws3. "hen it comes of interest group that support this cause is 'A**, 'other Against *runk *ri ing, which was founded in 16;8 by a mother where her daughter was ki&&ed by a drunk dri er. 4hanks to 'A** many &aws ha e been passed e er since it was found up to today. 4his organi=ation was actua&&y the first one to bring up the Ignition Inter&ocks, .the first state to begin inter&ocks was 9a&ifornia in 16;>, now e eryone with a -A9 higher .8; wi&& re)uire an inter&ock/3 'A** 5aw Pro isions3. ?or a first con ictions you wou&d ha e a inter&ock for si% months, for second is one year, for three con iction is fi e years and for the fourth con iction wou&d be ten years with a inter&ock. "hen it comes to 'A** and many other organi=ation that support this ha e changed many &aws when it comes to drunk dri ing and ha e sa e many &ife(s. $. 1upporting Paragraph I "hen it comes to drinking a&coho& it has short term effects and &ong term effects that can affect your body system. 4he short terms are .s&urred speech, b&ackouts, anemia, headaches, omiting/ 01hort and 5ong 4erm Effects3. 4he &ong term effects are .&i er disease, ner e damage, damage to brain, a&coho& poisoning, high b&ood pressure or stroke, cancer of the mouth or throat/ 01hort and 5ong 4erm Effects3. A rea&&y important organ that we a&& use it e ery sing&e day, e ery sing&e second in our &ife is the brain. 4he brain can be effected by four different ways .cerebra& corte%, centra& ner ous system, fronta& &o es, hippocampus/ 0A&coho& and the *e e&oping -rain3. 9erebra& corte% is when a&coho& s&ows down the brain from information that we sense from the en ironment we are in. 4he

Edward Guajardo Argument Paper

centra& ner ous system is where the information that is sends to the brain and spina& cord and te&&s your body what to do. A&coho& wi&& s&ow down the process of sending those messages which causes s&ow reaction times. 4he fronta& &obes are the part of the brain where it p&an, makes idea and a&so the part which make the decision you take. "hen a&coho& is in use the brain wi&& act by it down and make not wise decision and a&so cou&d make someone io&ent. 2ippocampus is the part of the brain where memories are stored. "hen a&coho& goes to the hippocampus it make a person to not remember anything which is memory &oss and a&so can cause b&ackouts where peop&e don(t remember what they did the night before. @. 1upporting Paragraph II "hen it comes to drinking it doesn(t just harm your system but it a&so affects you economica&&y. If you drink and dri e and get pu&&ed o er you wi&& be charged with a *+IA*"I depending on the state. In 4e%as the .b&ood a&coho& concentration 0-A93 for ,1 year o&d or o&der is 8.8;: and for younger than ,1 year o&d any detected amount of -A9 is i&&ega& that can resu&t in arrest/ 04e%as *"I *efined3. Bot on&y is it i&&ega& to drink and dri e with a higher 4e%as -A9 &e e& but their a&so a &aw ca&&ed .open container io&ation/ which means that you ha e an a&coho&ic drink that open can resu&t up to a fine of 788C and a c&ass 9 misdemeanor0Additiona& *rug and A&coho& 9rimes3. "hi&e being fine 788C for ha ing a a&coho& be erage open doesn(t sound much is nothing compared if being arrested for into%ication. ?or a first offense of *"I there is a . C,,888 fine with a jai& time between $ to 1; days, &icense suspension for up to , years, an ignition inter&ock de ice and education program/. ?or a second offence their fine

Edward Guajardo Argument Paper

up to .C@,888, jai& time between a month or a year, and ignition inter&ock with education program. ?or a third offence is the most tough one out of a&&, it a fine of .C18,888, with jai& time of , years or 18 years , ignition inter&ock de ice and education program0 *"I Pena&ties3. 'aybe that you(re thinking it doesn(t seem that much but it rea&&y that just the starting point. 4eens think is just a fine they ha e to pay and they get to &ea e home, but they sti&& ha e to pay the .bai&, county fees, education programs, &icense fee, insurance that increases, and the &awyer which can add up to be a tota& of C1D,888 for the first offense/ 0*"I 1ee 2ow the 9ost Add +p3. Bot on&y wi&& you pay about a fu&& year of co&&ege but you a&so wi&& &ose your &ife. If you began to dri e after your suspension is off you wi&& ha e an ignition inter&ock, which is a .-reatha&y=er where you breath into the de ice and it measures your -A9, where if it higher than 8.,: the car won(t turn on/ 0Ignition Inter&ock *e ice3. Imagine e ery time you want to turn your car you ha e to breath where e eryone that around wi&& see you and know what happened. Bot on&y is that embarrassing their a&so a fee of ,88C to insta&& the de ice and a renta& fee of 188C a month. Bot on&y does drinking can harm your body but it can a&so change your &ife to something you ne er e%pected to &i e.

7. 1upporting Paragraph III "hen we think of a teen drinking we usua&&y think that they do it cause they want to do it, or because they want to fit in the group they hanging with but in rea&ity it more than just doing it for fun. .4he chi&dren of addicts are ; times more &ike&y to

Edward Guajardo Argument Paper

de e&op an addiction/ 04he Ro&e of ?ami&y 2istory. A study was made where they got peop&e that got diagnosed with a&coho& addiction and compared it to peop&e who did not ha e an addiction. 4hey &ooked at their re&ati es and found out that if that chi&d of a parent that has a addiction is most &ike&y to ha e that same addiction. Ees we a&& ha e that . addiction gene where if we &ike a certain food we wi&& &ike and just keep eating it when we know it not right/0 "hy are gene for addiction3. Ees we ha e that addiction in our but once a re&ati e had that addiction is most &ike&y that you wi&& ha e it as we&& e en if you start by drinking just one bear a week but &ater on become a&coho&ics and drink a pack a week or more. >. 9ounter Arguments 1tudies ha e showed that te%ting whi&e dri ing is more dangerous than drinking and dri ing. "ith the new generation of teens, and the techno&ogies that today phone ha e had made our road the unsafe p&ace to be. "hen it comes to te%ting and dri ing .if we take our eyes of the road for about 7 seconds and are tra e&ing at 77mph it the same &ength of dri ing a fu&& &ength footba&& fie&d/0 *ri ing "hi&e Inte%ticated3. Bow a days if you pay attention to the road when dri ing you wou&d at &east find one person in e ery red &ight te%ting or using their phone. 4he B241A 0Bationa& 2ighway 4raffic 1afety Administrations3 reported that .about 1;: of the fata& crashes where causes by distraction on the phones, with o er $,86, deaths, and about @1>,888 peop&e wounded/ 0 *istracted *ri ing is *angerous3. Bot on&y is te%ting and dri ing more important than drunk dri ing but is the fact that their no &aw or ban of using a phone whi&e dri ing, there is &aws

Edward Guajardo Argument Paper

that many states ha e passed but on&y ban phone use in schoo& =ones. Bot on&y is te%ting and dri ing more of an important issue it .creates a risk to crash about ,$ times worse than any other distractions/ 0 *istracted *ri ing is *angerous3 D. 9onc&usion Part 1 4eens shou&d be aware of the conse)uences and the risk they are taking when they consume their first drink. As this generation grew up with techno&ogy such as te&e ision and socia& networks we tend to see a&& this ads that brain wash our younger generation. Bow at days the a&coho& company ad ertisements wi&& tend to ha e a group of peop&e ha ing fun drinking and just partying &ike their nothing wrong. At the end teens just &ike adu&t shou&d know the conse)uences, such as the fines that wou&d be charged up to C1D,888 for the first offense, o er 788 hours of community ser ice, serious hea&th risk as anemia, &i er, or brain damage. At the end I just want to raise awareness and &et e eryone know the rea& facts about what a&coho& rea&&y does from that fake &ife that we usua&&y see in 4F. -efore you take another =ip of your drink, think about who wou&d be dri ing and is it worth it taking that risk. ;. 9onc&usion Part , If you think about it we are at the point in &ife where the &aw in 4e%as changed &aws where teens can dri e at the age of 1>, e en if the minimum age &ower teens sti&& dri e without a &icense. Bow today we ha e a new generation of young peop&e where they are wi&&ing to try e erything they come across with. 4his a&so &eads where we say that this wi&& ne er happen to us, I don(t drink and dri e. In

Edward Guajardo Argument Paper

rea&ity a drinker or a non#drinker can go thru this e%perience. Eou can be the one getting arrested for riding in a car with an into%icated person or you can be the one that got injured cause of a drunk dri er. E eryone sing&e human being shou&d care for this topic for a&& the reason than e eryone is in danger when you do or don(t drink, not on&y can we be hurt by this but a&so can &ead to e en major prob&ems among teen that drink at ear&y age. 4he ear&ier someone began to drink the faster it can become an a&coho&ism prob&em.

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