Reading For Pleasure Grade 11 Term 4

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Reading for pleasure

Grade 11

Introductory part
Work in small groups

Read the passage you are given

Be ready to retell it to your group mates Tell the time and setting of the story, the main characters and their description, and make a short summary of the passage

Chapter Four

Write out 5 key words of the passage you have read.

Prepare a list of questions to find out if other people read this passage carefully.

Chapter Five

Write out 5 key verbs of the passage you have read. Which character from your book you would make a good friend? Why?

Chapter Six

Write out 5 key words of the passage you have read.

What is the purpose or main idea of the passage you have read?

Lesson Seven
If you had written this passage , what part would you have written differently? Explain why.

Write a new title for the passage you have read. Explain why you chose this title.

Chapter Eight
Vocabulary quiz for revision Make a timeline showing the most important events that happened in the book. (from the beginning till the passage you
have recently read)

Chapter Nine

Write out 5 key adjectives of the passage you have read. Describe the personality of one of the characters from one of the passages you have read.

Write out 5 key phrases of the passage you have read. Find contractions in your passage.

Find the words in your passage that have a silent letter or a silent syllable.

Write out 5 key phrases of the passage you have read. Find the words in your passage that have double consonants.

Find four words in your book that contain a double vowel.

Who is the most important person in your book? Explain why

Prepare True/ False/ Not given statements to find out if other people read this book carefully.

Write an original poem that expresses the plot of your book.

Write a book review that might be published in a newspaper.

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