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Nomor / Number : 0297/LBB/III/2013 Dibuat untuk / Certified for ,eni! -onto# / Type of Sample .i/at / 0on1i!i Barang "ang 1iu2i / Description of sample *!al -onto# Origin of sample ,umla# -onto# / Amount of sample Nomor Laboratorium / Laboratory Number 6onto# 1iterima tanggal / Sample received on 8aktu 9elak!anaan 9engu2ian / Date of testing Tanggal / Date : 4 Maret 2013 : Heru ra!et"o Ma#a!i!$a % N &'(T()*N& +og"akarta : Batubara

: Bongka#

: 3 : 1 4!atu5 : 1313 / 2013 : : 21 7ebruari 2013 21 7ebruari 2013

1 dari 3

MACERAL ANALYSIS Sample mark Sample number : 1313/2013 : LP 51 MACERAL ANALYSIS

MACERAL GROUP % VOL VOL mfb SUB MACERAL MACERAL % VOL 4 4 4 213* 4 330 5632 13) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 03) 4 032 4 4 4 13* 133) VOL (mfb

,elovitrinite (1umotelinite 213* -I,.I/I,0 (12!I/I,0 !"#$ 5etrovitrinite (1umodetrinite *032 7elovitrinite (1umo#olinite 13)

LIP,I/I,0 (08I/I,0

,elo4inertinite I/0.,I/I,0 &#' 5etro4inertinite 7elo4inertinite !I/0.(LS !(,,0. TOTAL Point Counting !agni"i#ation &5#( &'' : 500 : 500x
2 dari 3

,extinite ,exto4ulminite 04ulminite ,elo#ollinite (ttrinite 5en%inite 5e%mo#ollinite Corpogelinite Porigelinite 0ugelinite Sporinite Cutinite .e%inite Liptodetrinite (lginite Suberinite 9luorinite 0x%udatinite :ituminite 9u%inite Semi"u%inite S#lerotinite Inertodetrinite !i#rinite !a#rinite ;k%ida P$rite Cla$ :2 :2

Interval (x Interval ($

Prepared and mea%ured in a##ordan#e &it' (u%tralian Standard 2)5* (1+)* and (S,! (200+


Sample mark Sample number : 1313/2013

: :P0 < 1P 60

Standard 5eviation (= : 0301 !aximum .e"le#tan#e (= !inimum .e"le#tan#e (= !ean .e"le#tan#e (= : 1303 : 03+6 : 1303

Prepared and mea%ured in a##ordan#e &it' (u%tralian Standard 2)5* (1+)* and (S,! (200+

!ana>er ,ekni% Lab :atubara? ttd !anik @id'i (%titi? S3Si /IP3 1+6A0A0) 1++A03 2 005

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