Lesson Plan Chineseiii Letter

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Lesson Plan Shuang Wu Grade: Chinese III Data: March 6th Strengths of the Class: Most of the students

are well-behaved. Unique Needs of the Class: Students are at different levels. Some of them show lack of motivation to stay in the target language. Lesson Topic: Transportation Learning Objectives: To be able to identify the writing convention of a letter in Chinese To be able to apply the writing convention in the letter written to a Chinese peer. To be able to identify the main transportation tools in China.

Language Objectives: To be able to understand the text of the lesson by answering the questions with pairs. To be able to identify the key vocabulary from the text. To be able to obtain information from authentic material: A bus stop sigh with time and price. To be able to describe how to commute to schools and how much time will it take. To be able to describe the main transportation tools and its characteristics by comparing with the ones in China in a letter. Introduction: Review: Quiz, common errors, questions. Into: 1. Ask students to see a video from the textbook and check their comprehension about the information of transportation tools presented in the video (Material 1 : DVD) .

2. Ask them to read the text from the textbook, answer the questions as following: (Material 2: Copies) 3. Summarize Chinese writing convention and answer questions. (Material 3:Copies) 4. Introduce the vocabulary package with supplement words of this unit. 5. Watch a video about public transportation in China. (YouTube Video) 6. To read a bus stop sigh and obtain information about price, time and other information which can be used to compare the price with the public transportation in the U.S. Beyond: Ask students to write a letter to a student from China, who is going to Utah for a summer camp, The letter should include the following requirements.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. How do you go to school every day? How long will it take? How do people commute to work? What are the main transportation tools for your family? How much does it cost? For a bus ride? Taxi? Trax? ** How much does it cost for your family on transportation per month?** Your opinions or questions on public transportation in China *** Contrast and compare the two transportation systems in China and the U.S (Optional)

Please follow the writing conventions.

Plans for Assessment: Higher level: Comprehension Check after activity, Questions which could be associated with previous lessons, letter with six questions. Optional requirement: Comparing and contrasting about transportations in China and in the U.S. Average level: Comprehension Check, Questions only related to this lesson, letters with the first five questions. Lower Level: Comprehension Check with Yes/No questions, letters with first three questions.

Attachment: Materials: 1.

How do you express New Years greetings in Chinese

l yu sh g ho s j ma wi shn me l yu zh j tin du zu shn me le l yu wi shn me gn xi wngpng

2. Letter in Chinese

2008 12 20 :
shuxnrn f xnrn l yu




zh t


xixi n ntinkichsng w do j chng

b gu

rng n hu n me dushjin



w zi gos gnglshangkich zhnyudinjnzhng ksh zh r miyugnggng q ch y miyu

w zh j tinmitindukich q knlopngyu

zh g chngsh de rnkichki d t bikui

d ti zhnng zj kich hn b fngbin

yukng r de hu d w de shu j huzhgi w f dunxn

w xinggn n liotin r

xnninkuiyodo le

zh n xnninkui l

3. Transportation_ Supplement Vocabulary



: One piece of ticket


y zhngpio

: ticket price


: price : expense



: every/each : family/household



: fast/quick


: slow : crowded .adj./congestion .n.



traffic jam/congestion : Express way/High way



: To ride
zxngch dnch

/ : bike


: Rickshaw : Magnetic suspension



: Gasoline : Bus stop/Train station : Police




s d

: Speed limit Kilometer

gng l


mile : Car accident


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