Syllabus - Yicun Liang

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Introduction to Academic Writing (Level 4) Syllabus SPRING 2014 Instructor: Yicun Liang Mon, Wed, Fri: 10:45p.m. - 12:05p.m.

ELA: Room 105 E-Mail: REQUIRED MATERIALS TEXTBOOK: Introduction to Academic Writing, 4th Edition by Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue; Pearson/Longman; ISBN: 13-1933959-7 Dictionary Highlighter A three-ring binder Notebook

COURSE GOALS The goal of this course is to prepare students to write an academic essay of approximately 500 words following an essay format with basic writing skills, which includes adequate control of sentence structure and grammatical structure. Student Learning Outcomes Students will be able to write a paragraph includes three main parts: topic sentence, supporting details and concluding sentence. Students can develop ideas towards a certain topic. Students can combine ideas logically. Students can develop strong and reasonable supporting details for a topic sentence. Students can write an essay of approximately 500 words.

Student Responsibilities Attend class on time. Be prepared in class. You are required to finish your homework on time. I will collect your homework at the very beginning of the class. You are also required to bring your book, dictionary, highlighter, binder, notebook, pen or pencil to class. Participate in class. Your active participation in class discussions and activities is highly encouraged. Please share your thoughts and ideas respectfully. If you have any questions , please do not hesitate to let me know.

GRADES The final grade for this course will be based on points earned throughout the semester. 1) Attendance and class participation 2) Homework 3) Midterm 4) Final Essay ATTENDEANCE If you have three unreasonable absences, you will lose 20 points from your final grade. Midterm Project For the midterm project, you will collaborate on a project with a group on a specific topic. In your groups, you will decide on a topic, research and explore the topic in depth, and present your findings with your group members in front of the class. (PowerPoint is required!) You can use the following guidelines to support the development of your project: 1) select a topic of interest with your group members 2) decide three main aspects you want to discuss about your topic with your group members 3) do some research about these three aspects individually 4) discuss in groups about each other's findings 5) combine each other's ideas 6) create a presentation using PowerPoint together 7) rehearse before the presentation Final Essay You will have to write a 5-paragraph final essay at the end of the semester. The topic of the final essay and the grading rubric will be released on Apr. 28, 2014 25% 25% 20% 30%

SPRING 2014 TENTATIVE WEEKLY CLASS SCHEDULE (The instructor reserves the right to revise the course schedule as necessary.) Week #1: Jan. 27,29,31 Diagnostic Introduction and Overview of Course In-class Diagnostics Chapter 1: Paragraph Structure HW: paragraph writing Chapter 2: Unity and Coherence HW: Revise, rewrite, final draft of paragraph Selection of Midterm Project group members Chapter 4: From Paragraph to Essay HW: Descriptive Essays

Week #2: Feb. 3, 5, 7 Week #3: Feb. 10, 12, 14

Time Order and Emphatic Order Transition Signals

Week #4: Feb. 17, 19, 21

Week #5: Feb. 24, 26, 28 Week #6: Mar. 3, 5, 7

Week #7: Mar. 10-14 Week #8: Mar. 17, 19, 21

Week #9: Mar. 24, 26, 28

Week #10: Mar. 31, Apr. 2, 4 Week #11: Apr. 7, 9, 11 Week #12: Apr. 14, 16 (EASTER BREAK: Apr. 1821) Week #13: Apr. 23, 25 Week #14: Apr. 28, 30, May 2

Chapter 4: From Paragraph to Essay HW: Self Editing; Peer Editing Chapter 4: From Paragraph to Essay Supporting Details HW: Revise, rewrite, final draft of The Concluding descriptive essays Paragraph Reminder: All Midterm Projects are due on Mar. 17 SPRING BREAK Midterm Project Presentations Mar. 17: Group #1, 2, 3 Mar. 19: Group #3, 4, 5 Mar. 21: Reflective Discussion Block Organization Chapter 6: Cause/Effect Essays HW: Write a Cause-and-Effect Essay Chain Organization Chapter 6: Cause/Effect Essays HW: Revise, rewrite, final draft of Cause-and-Effect Essays Using Paraphrasing as Chapter 8: Paraphrase and Summary HW: Writing Paraphrases Support Plagiarism Grammar Grammar Workshop: Studentcentered review of consistent challenges/troubleshooting Using Summary as Chapter 8: Paraphrase and Summary Support HW: Writing Summaries Review / Prepare for Final Essay is due by May 7 Final Essay

The Three Parts of an Essay: Introduction, Body, and Conclusion Essay Outlining Thesis Statement

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