AE 737 HW Assignment #2

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AE 737 Homework Assignment #2 Due February 11, 2014 1.

A piece of a ductile metal is confined on two sides by a rigid die as shown below. A uniform compressive stress zz is applied to the surface of the metal, and it may be assumed that there is no friction between the metal and the die. Determine the value of zz necessary to cause yielding in terms of the uniaxial yield strength y and the elastic constants of the material. What is the influence of oisson!s ratio on the value of zz that causes yielding"

What would the results be if the materials were confined in the x#direction as well as the y#direction" $. %he most severely stressed point in an engineering component occurs on a free surface, where the stresses are xx & $', yy & (, and xy & #) *si. What ultimate strength is re+uired for a ductile linearly elastic material, to assure a safety factor of 1., against static fracture" Assume the uniaxial stress#strain relationship to be the same in compression as in tension. -. A solid circular shaft sub.ected to pure torsion must be designed to avoid static fracture with a safety factor of /. 0ind the re+uired diameter of the shaft as a function of the tor+ue T and the uniaxial ultimate strength u using 1a2 a fracture criteria modelled after %resca!s yield criterion, and 1b2 a fracture criteria modelled after von 3ises! yield criterion. 4ow much do these two diameters differ"

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