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Rubric Made Using: RubiStar $ %ttp:&&rubistar 4teac%ers org '

Math - Problem Solving : Would You Rather-Technology Project

Teac%er (a#e: Ms. Salahshour

)tudent (a#e: CATEGORY Mat%e#atical Concepts

**************************************** 4 Explanation s%o+s co#plete understanding o, t%e #at%e#atical concepts used to sol-e t%e proble#$s' Explanation is detailed and clear 3 Explanation s%o+s substantial understanding o, t%e #at%e#atical concepts used to sol-e t%e proble#$s' Explanation is clear 2 Explanation s%o+s so#e understanding o, t%e #at%e#atical concepts needed to sol-e t%e proble#$s' Explanation is a little di,,icult to understand. but includes critical co#ponents Correct ter#inolog/ and notation are used. but it is so#eti#es not eas/ to understand +%at +as done 3eli-er/ not s#oot%. but able to %old audience attention #ost o, t%e ti#e One re"uire#ent +as not co#pletel/ #et


Mat%e#atical Ter#inolog/ and (otation

Correct ter#inolog/ and notation are al+a/s used. #a0ing it eas/ to understand +%at +as done 1nteresting. +ell2 re%earsed +it% s#oot% deli-er/ t%at %olds audience attention All re"uire#ents are #et and exceeded

Oral !resentation

Correct ter#inolog/ and notation are usuall/ used. #a0ing it ,airl/ eas/ to understand +%at +as done Relati-el/ interesting. re%earsed +it% a ,airl/ s#oot% deli-er/ t%at usuall/ %olds audience attention All re"uire#ents are #et


3ate Created: March 2 ! 2"#

nology Project

4 Explanation s%o+s -er/ li#ited understanding o, t%e underl/ing concepts needed to sol-e t%e proble#$s' OR is not +ritten Explanation is di,,icult to understand and is #issing se-eral co#ponents OR +as not included T%ere is little use. or a lot o, inappropriate use. o, ter#inolog/ and notation 3eli-er/ not s#oot% and audience attention lost

More t%an one re"uire#ent +as not co#pletel/ #et

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