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Chronic Hypertension elevations of blood pressure diagnosed before 20 weeks of pregnancy or persists until 12 weeks postpartum Gestational Hypertension

n new onset blood pressure elevations diagnosed after 20 weeks AOG without proteinuria Pre-Eclampsia BP elevations after 20 weeks AOG and proteinuria of <+3 by urine dipstick or <5g protein in 24 hour urine collection Severe Pre-Eclampsia pre eclampsia that is characterized by any of the following:

taken from: POGS CPG on Hypertensive Complications of Pregnancy

Eclampsia hypertension in pregnancy with proteinuria with convulsions or occurrence of grand-mal seizures Chronic Hypertension with superimposed Pre-Eclampsia elevations of BP with pregnancy that persists postpartum with associate signs of pre-eclampsia; may also be diagnosed by new onset proteinuria in a known hypertensive woman, or by the development of HELLP syndrome

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