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Year 1 Maths Assessment Rubric


YEAR 1 Achievement standard: By the end of Year 1, students describe number sequences resulting from skip counting by 2s, 5s and 10s. They identify representations of one half. They recognise ustralian coins according to their !alue. "tudents e#plain time durations. They describe t$o%dimensional shapes and three% dimensional ob&ects. "tudents describe data displays. "tudents count to and from 100 and locate numbers on a number line. They carry out simple additions and subtractions using counting strategies. They partition numbers using place !alue. They continue simple patterns in!ol!ing numbers and ob&ects. "tudents order ob&ects based on lengths and capacities using informal units. They tell time to the half hour. They use the language of direction to mo!e from place to place. "tudents classify outcomes of simple familiar e!ents. They collect data by asking questions and dra$ simple data displays. At this year level: Understanding includes connecting names, numerals and quantities, and partitioning numbers in !arious $ays. Fluency includes counting number in sequences readily for$ard and back$ards, locating numbers on a line, and naming the days of the $eek. Problem Solving includes using materials to model authentic problems, gi!ing and recei!ing directions to unfamiliar places, and using familiar counting sequences to sol!e unfamiliar problems and discussing the reasonableness of the ans$er. Reasoning includes e#plaining direct and indirect comparisons of length using uniform informal units, &ustifying representations of data, and e#plaining patterns that ha!e been created. A B C D E Number and lace value 'onsistently and (requently )emonstrates *ith support is ,s unable to accurately demonstrates number able to demonstrate demonstrates confidence $ith sequences to and demonstrate number increasing and $ritten and oral from 100 by ones number sequences to and decreasing number from any starting sequences to and from10 by ones number sequences to and point from +0 by ones from any starting sequences from 100 by ones from any starting point, e!en $ith beyond 100 by from any starting point support. ones from any point Date: Date: Date: Date: starting point NUMBER AND ALGEBRA

'onsistently, and accurately skip counts increasing and decreasing by t$os, fi!es and tens starting from any point

(requently, and accurately skip counts by t$o, fi!es and tens starting from any point

"kip counts by t$os, fi!es and tens starting from -ero

*ith support is able to skip counts by fi!es and tens starting from -ero

,s unable to skip count by tens starting from -ero, e!en $ith support.

Date: Date: Date:

'onsistently and accurately recognises, models, reads, $rites and orders numbers to 100. ccurately locates these numbers on a number line.chart

(requently and accurately recognises, models, reads, $rites and orders numbers to 100 and beyond /ocates these numbers on a number line.chart

0ecognises, models, reads, $rites and orders numbers to at least 100 /ocates these numbers on a number line.chart

*ith support recognises, models, reads, $rites and orders numbers to at least 100 *ith support is able to locates these numbers on a number line.chart

,s unable to recognises, models, reads, $rites and orders numbers to 100 ,s unable to locates these numbers on a number line.chart, e!en $ith support

Year 1 Maths Assessment Rubric

!racti"ns and decimals 'onsistently (requently demonstrates recognises and understanding of describes hal!es a range of and quarters of fractions $ithin shapes and their en!ironment collections
Date: Date: Date:

,s unable to recognise one% half as one of t$o equal parts of a $hole, e!en $ith support

0ecognises and describes one% half as one of t$o equal parts of a $hole

*ith support is able to recognise one%half as one of t$o equal parts of a $hole

M"ney and #inancial mathematics ,ndependently (requently sol!es simple recognises, problems using describes and ustralian coins orders ustralian and notes 'an coins and notes demonstrate according to their relationships !alue bet$een coins and notes and sho$ money !alues using a !ariety of Date: combinations

0ecognises, describes and orders ustralian coins according to their !alue

*ith support attempts to recognise and orders ustralian coins according to their !alue

,s unable to recognise ustralian coins according to their !alue, e!en $ith support




$atterns and al%ebra 'onsistently (requently in!estigates, in!estigates, describes and describes and creates more creates o$n comple# number number patterns patterns. 'an accurately identify the patterning rule
Date: Date:

,n!estigates and describes number patterns formed by skip counting and patterns $ith ob&ects

*ith support is able to describe simple number patterns and patterns $ith ob&ects

,s unable to describes number patterns and patterns $ith ob&ects, e!en $ith support




Measurement 'onsistently in!estigates, measures and compares the lengths and capacities of pairs of ob&ects using uniform informal units and is able to articulate their findings

(requently in!estigates, measures and compares the lengths and capacities of pairs of ob&ects using uniform informal units

1easures and compares the lengths and capacities of pairs of ob&ects using uniform informal units

*ith support is able to measure the lengths and capacities of pairs of ob&ects using uniform informal units

,s unable to measure the lengths and capacities of pairs of ob&ects using uniform informal units, e!en $ith support




,n!estigates, describes, con!erts and compares duration using months, $eeks, days and hours

)escribes and compares duration using months, $eeks, days and hours

)escribes duration using months, $eeks, days and hours

*ith support is able to describe duration using months, $eeks, days


,s unable to attempt to order duration, e!en $ith support



Year 1 Maths Assessment Rubric

&ha e ,ndependently and accurately, names in!estigates, classifies 2) shapes and +) ob&ects using mathematical language 0ecognises and classifies unfamiliar 2) shapes and +) ob&ects using ob!ious features in e!eryday language 0ecognises and classifies familiar 2) shapes and +) ob&ects using ob!ious features in e!eryday language

,s unable to recognises basic 2) 2 +) shapes, e!en $ith support

*ith support is able to recognise and classifies familiar 2) 2+) shapes

Date: Date: Date: Date:


L"cati"n and trans#"rmati"n 'ompetently (ollo$s a gi!es and follo$s comple# a comple# sequence of sequence of directions to directions to familiar locations unkno$n locations

3i!es and follo$s directions to familiar locations 4/eft, right, clock$ise, anti clock$ise, distance, direction 5

(ollo$s directions to familiar locations ,s beginning to gi!e simple directions

6nable to follo$ simple directions to familiar locations, e!en $ith support

Date: Date:

Date: Date:

Data re resentati"n and inter retati"n 3enerates 3enerates simple 'hooses simple comple# question and questions and questions and accurately gathers accurately gathers responses gathers responses
Date: Date: Date:

*ith support attempts to gather responses to simple questions


,s unable to gather responses to simple questions, e!en $ith support


,ndependently represents data $ith ob&ects and dra$ings $here one ob&ect or dra$ing represents one data !alue )escribes and compares different displays

ccurately represents data $ith ob&ects and dra$ings $here one ob&ect or dra$ing represents one data !alue )escribes the displays

0epresents data $ith ob&ects and dra$ings $here one ob&ect or dra$ing represents one data !alue ,dentifies most and least frequent. )escribes the displays

,nconsistently represents some data $ith ob&ects and dra$ings $here one ob&ect or dra$ing represents one data !alue

6nable to represent data using ob&ects or dra$ings.


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