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Chairman Mr M Boswell

Hon.Secretary Capt L Herriot

Treasurer Col C M Elsden DL

Royal Hospital Chelsea Visit

Dear Member The Branch will be holding a special visit to the home of the Chelsea Pensioners ! the "o#al Hospital Chelsea! on $ednesda# %th Ma#& Men 'and more recentl# women( who have served their co)ntr# with hono)r have resided there since the "HC was fo)nded in *ing Charles ++ in ,-./ and is famo)s world0 wide for the red0coated e10soldiers who live there& 2s well as being a rather special retirement home it also boasts a M)se)m! the 3reat Hall! and the Chapel! all of which will made available for )s! and we will be escorted thro)gho)t b# one of the residents& The to)r will begin at ,4&45 and will concl)de at ,6&45! followed b# tea& The all0in cost to members will be 7/% incl)ding transport b# coach! entrance fee and a light l)nch! or 7// for those who wish to have l)nch )nder their own arrangement& Coach pic8 )p locations will be at $hittlese# Mar8et 9:)are and the 2,5 Par8 ; "ide stop at Milton! near Cambridge < timings to be confirmed& 9pace for this event will be limited therefore anticipating that this visit will be pop)lar we advise #o) that #o)r place will be held on a first come! first serve basis& Please therefore ens)re that #o) ret)rn the form below to Colonel Colin Elsden b# /4 rd 2pril& Please ma8e che:)es pa#able to Cambridgeshire =C2 & Diary Dates: 22 ! "# e 2$%& > 2nn)al l)nch for members at the Maltings! El#! followed b# the Parade and 9ervice in the Cathedral& '%st A#(#st 2$%&> "o#al 2nglian "egiment 3athering! D)1ford& This #ear celebrates the 65th 2nniverser# of the formation of the "egiment! incl)ding presentation of new Colo)rs&

___________________________________________________________ Royal Hospital Chelsea Visit

+ shall ? shall not be attending the "HC visit @ame> _______________ and will be accompanied b# _____________g)ests& + enclose a che:)e for 7______ to cover ___________ persons& Phone @o> Email>

Please ret)rn to the Treas)rer: Colin Elsden, 8 St Felix Close, Soham, CB !"#, Tel. $%&!& '($ % Email: c.elsden&! )

+ncorporating The Cambridgeshire "egiment 2ssociation

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