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Sample CV

Jane Doe
21 Sharman Street Limerick City Tel: 061 63930

An Environmental Science graduate ith !u"!tantial and re!#on!i"le ork e$#erience looking to "ring a range o% !kill! and commercial kno ledge to a ne career in an environmentally related organi!ation in the #rivate& #u"lic or voluntary !ector'

Key Skills and Achievements Business awareness (y ten year! in commercial environment! taught me ho to kee# tight %inancial control& reduce co!t!& maintain #o!itive relation! ith !u##lier! and cu!tomer! and retain good !ta%%' (y la!t )o" at Call*a*#hone !ho ed me the #ro"lem! encountered hen a !mall com#any !tart! u# in a highly com#etitive indu!try ithout ade+uate ca#ital and admini!trative !y!tem!' At ,one! and Son! - in!tituted regular team meeting! !o that everyone under!tood each other.! role!' - !et u# !y!tem! %or covering !ta%% a"!ence and created an induction #rogramme %or ne !ta%% to hel# them integrate +uickly' /ounder mem"er o% a !ta%% !ociety to organi!e outing! and event!' A! chair o% the 0arent! A!!ociation - encouraged everyone to take on a role in order to !hare out the ork& there"y increa!ing the num"er o% #arent! )oining the committee' Interpersonal - am u!ed to orking in a highly #re!!ured environment and re!#onding +uickly to cu!tomer +uerie! or com#laint!' - organi!ed in* hou!e training cour!e! in .Cu!tomer 1elation!. and .2ealing ith con%lict. to im#rove relation! "oth internally and e$ternally' (y marketing role at Call*a*#hone involved .cold calling. and - a! !ucce!!%ul in e$ceeding target! %or the num"er o% #otential client!' /und*rai!ing %or the 0TA al!o meant - contacted com#anie! %or money and e reached our target t o month! early' Communication - have con!idera"le e$#erience in re#ort riting at ork and e!!ay riting at univer!ity' - have en)oyed giving !eminar #re!entation! and %or my #ro)ect - had to #re!ent my %ea!i"ility to !tudy to a local authority !u"*committee' - a! given very #o!itive %eed"ack' - a! !tudent re#re!entative %or my cour!e in my la!t t o year! at univer!ity& liai!ing ith academic !ta%% and re#orting "ack to !tudent!'

Team working

Education 1999 * 2002 BSc (Hons) Environmental Science 2: 3niver!ity o% Limerick Subjects included: country!ide management& rural economy& international environmental la & climate change& a!te management' Final year project: /ea!i"ility !tudy on door!te# recycling !cheme in the local "orough' (ature Student Acce!! Cour!e& 3niver!ity o% Limerick Leaving Certi%icate& St Ail"e6! School& Ti##erary

1994 *1999 1945

!ork E"perience 1996 * 1994 7ou!ehu!"and& taking on %ull time re!#on!i"ility %or my three children a%ter my i%e a! #romoted to a !enior #o!ition involving travelling around -reland' Took on the chair o% !chool 0arent6! A!!ociation and led %und rai!ing drive %or !chool ! imming #ool' Call*a*#hone& Catherine St& Limerick (arketing a!!i!tant %or ne ly created mo"ile #hone !ale! com#any' (ade redundant hen com#any cea!ed trading'

1998 * 1996

1946 * 1998

,one! and Son!& Cecil St& Limerick Started a! admini!trative a!!i!tant in !ale! de#artment o% large chain o% %urniture retailer!' 0romoted to o%%ice manager a%ter three year!' 1e!#on!i"le %or running the o%%ice& recruiting and training )unior !ta%%& creating and maintaining data"a!e o% cu!tomer!' 9ariou! tem#orary #o!t! kee#ing' hile taking evening cla!!e! in "ook*

1945 * 1946

#$ skills - am u#*to*date ith (icro!o%t :%%ice and have e$ten!ive e$#erience o% data"a!e! and accounting #ackage!' - am a regular -nternet u!er' #nterests 0laying !+ua!h& ! imming ith the children& going to veteran car rallie!' %e&erences Availa"le on re+ue!t'

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