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he Bhrigu Samhita is an astrological (Jyotish) classic attributed to Maharishi B hrigu Ji during the vedic period, Treta Yuga, although

evidence available sugges t it was compiled over a period of time by various shishyas (students in the tim e age) of Maharishi Bhrigu ji. Bhrigu ShastraPerhaps the Bhrigu Shastra set to have penned downed by Shukrachar y dictated by Rishi Bhrigu who was master of Brahmvidya. Lord Bhrigu ji was born on fire. His body was charred yet the illumination of knowledge made him shine like fire. Since Shri Bhrigu ji was very learnered. His ego was difficult to app ease. In Hindiuism, the trinity of Brahma (Progenitor), Vishnu (saviour) and Mah esh (Destroyer) is well known. The trinity symbolizes God. Once Bhrigu ji in ord er to judge who among the three gods is the greatest of all. It is said that amo ng the three only Lord Vishnu was able to impress Bhrigu ji. The story goes like this Bhrigu ji in anger had kicked Lord Vishnu on the chest in his false ego to being the greatest Brahmin. On realising his mistake he immediately apologised to Lord Vishnu, who forgave him. It is well known that destiny places role in th e formation or birth of remarkable thing. This rude action of Bhrigu ji infuriat ed Lakshmi ji who cursed Bhrigu ji that all the coming generations of Brahmin wi ll bear the wrath. Maharishi Bhrigu ji apologised to Lakshmi ji and suggested hi m to write Bhrigu

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