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Hannah Montana Concert

By: Tanisha Bharwani

Tanisha: Welcome to the 2009 Hannah Montana Concert. We are going to interview someone

Tanisha: Here we are at the 2009 Hannah Montana concert, Is our biggest fan of Hannah
Montana Amani Khan.

Amani: Well yes, I might be the biggest fan of Hannah Montana.

Tanisha: I too am a fan of Hannah Montana. Here comes Hannah Montana. She is going
to sing Everybody Makes Mistakes. Did anyone dream of Hannah Montana last night?

Amani: I dreamt of Hannah Montana last night singing that song in her 2009 concert and
that is my favorite song from Hannah Montana.

Tanisha: Have you watched the season when Hannah Montana plays tennis. Do you have any
connections with that?

Amani: Yes I do my favorite sport is tennis.

Tanisha: Do you have any sisters or brothers.

Amani: Yes I do I have one sister her name is Areez.

Tanisha: When is your birthday is it on November.

Amani: No my birthday is on December 15.

Tanisha: What is your favorite food?

Amani: My favorite food is spaghetti and hotdogs.

Tanisha: Where were you born in?

Amani: I was born in Colorado.

Tanisha: How old are you Amani.

Amani: I am 8 years old.

Tanisha: What is your favorite place to visit?

Amani: My favorite place to visit is California.

Tanisha: Do you have any pets.

Amani: No I don’t have any pets.

Tanisha: Well I guess it’s the end of the show BYE.

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