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Tip 8 realsmart

20 MAR 2014
Realsmart is the school VLE which you Can use to build and share revision resources. It is Are two elements that will really help you in revision.

Study Guru

Accessed by going on to my learning portfolio. There

1) The Rmap
The Rmap allows you to build up Mind maps. These mind maps can consist of text, documents or video Clips. They could be made on one topic or for a whole subject.

2) The Rcast

Example Rmap

An Rcast can be used to set up blogs on topics. This means you can have online discussions on topics, share ideas, help each other solve problems. You can decide who you want share the blog with. You can even invite teachers in so that they can contribute their expertise..
When you start to build your resources you will see a yellow dialogue box. Click on Learn More to get access to help.

Online Help

If you need extra help ask Mr Hull or Mr Hussain (ICT)

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