A Glawegian in Algeciras

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A GLAWEGIAN IN ALGECIRAS I sat and waited in silence. I saw a stranger look at me.

But as soon as he saw that I had noticed him, he looked away quickly. After I had waited for about ten minutes, the maid returned with one fried egg and two very small pieces of ham. I sat down and ate the very poor meal in silence. When I finished eating, I suddenly realized how cold I felt. It was a rather cold night. he people in Algeciras have long hot summers and they forget how cold it can be in the few short weeks of winter. In these weeks it can be very cold at night. I moved my chair towards the fire where the stranger was sitting. !e was sitting huddled over the very small fire. he fire was hardly big enough to give warmth to two people, but as soon as I moved my chair towards the fire, the stranger moved his chair to one side. "#on$t move," I said. " here$s plenty of room for two." I took out a cigar and lit it. hen I turned to the stranger and offered him a cigar. hey were very good cigars and people did not often refuse one. " hat$s very good of you," the stranger said and took the cigar from my hand. %rom the way he spoke, I realized that he had been born in &lasgow. A person from &lasgow speaks in a kind of singing way. When you give someone a cigar, it is usually an invitation to talk. But apart from these few words of thanks, the stranger said nothing. !e huddled over his half of the fire and returned to his thoughts.

Answer the following questions' (. In what season does the story happen) *. !ow did the narrator try to make friends with the stranger) +. !ow did he know the stranger came from &lasgow) In your words, e,plain the meaning of the following words - e,pressions' (. look away *. the maid +. that$s very good of you Write questions to produce these answers' (. It was a very cold night. *. I ate the very poor meal in silence. +. I moved my chair towards the fire. .oin the sentences to form /01 single sentence in each case' (. I had been listening to the stranger for a few minutes. I offered him a cigar. *. 2ou give someone a cigarette. hey usually thank you. +. It$s winter in Algeciras. he weather is very cold. 3e4write these sentences in Indirect 5peech' (. "#on$t move6" *. " hat$s very good of you." +. "What are you doing in Algeciras)"

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